For the art of AI

In a future where neon shines,
The producers, with their eyes on the shore,
Sue Musk, bold visionary,
For the art of AI that challenges peace.

Blade Runner, an echo in the fog,
A world of dreams that is never denied,
Its images dance, its essence is true,
But AI copies, is this loyalty?

Robotaxis travel through the awakened city,
While the dispute between shadows is inserted.
Is it creation or simple replication?
A dilemma in the air, a fire to be awakened.

The codes flow like rivers of silver,
Art faces the mind that unleashes,
In the court of the uncertain future,
The battle is fought, a destiny covered.

We walk in a labyrinth of light,
Where the machine and the man are part of the cross,
Is it art or an echo of what was?
The question remains, who will answer?

Thus art and technology intertwine,
In a world where lines embrace,
Blade Runner, a symbol of what is to come,
In this lawsuit, the truth will shine.

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