Cresciendo In The Digital World

The world is revolving into digital. 

The revolution is initiated by crypto. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 



Dancing to it the world rages with madness. 

It has made people become so careless. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 


Trade is controlled like a half naked dancer. 

She sways her waist because she is an enticer. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 


Digital currency began on a low note. 

No wonder music begins low of some sort. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 


Then the tempo increases in a cresciendo. 

It does not go down in a dominuendo. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 


We expect low price as a starter. 

Then it increases faster and faster. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 


Bitcoin was sold at less than a dollar. 

Yet it has increased up from polar the polar. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 


At first only few coins were in circulation. 

Yet increment they are now in competition. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 


We are on a forward trend. 

Greatness is now on demand. 

If cryptocurrency was music so sweet. 

Cresciendo it would have changed the beat. 



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stbrians Verified Member

Am in the world yet am not of this world.

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