Playing with Fire (2019) – Movie Trailer

By ph1102 | New Movie and Game Trailers | 18 Jul 2019

For this fall, Paramount Pictures will bring to us an easy family/comedy movie named Playing with Fire, with John Cena and Keegan-Michael Key in the main roles. They are elite firefighters, but can’t cope with 3 little children.

When the elite squad of super-firefighters saves three siblings, they didn’t expect what came after that. It looks that no training is enough for the new challenging job – babysitting… They are desperately trying to find children's parents, but until then, their jobs and lives are turned upside-down...

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The director of the movie is Andy Fickman, well known for movies Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015), Race to Witch Mountain (2009), or TV series Kevin Can Wait (2016-2018). Writers of the movie are Dan Ewen and Matt Lieberman (Scoob (2020), The Addams Family (2019)).

In the main roles are John Cena (Trainwreck (2015), 12 Rounds (2009), The Marine (2006)), Primetime Emmy Winner Keegan-Michael Key (Keanu (2016), The Predatorm (2018), Tomorrowland (2015)), Golden Globe nominee John Leguizamo (Moulin Rouge! (2001), Spawn (1997)), Tyler Mane (X-Men (2000), Halloween II (2009)), Brianna Hildebrand (Deadpool (2016), Tragedy Girls (2017)), Judy Greer (13 Going on 30 (2004), Ant-Man (2015)) and others.

Take a look at the official trailer for Playing with Fire:

The movie Playing with Fire comes to the cinema in November 2019.

You can find more details about the movie at

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