Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019) – Movie Trailer

By ph1102 | New Movie and Game Trailers | 22 Jul 2019

I know that I have used this phrase many times, but I have to use it again. Jay and Silent Bob are icons from the 90tees, and like Ali G or Austin Powers, you can like them, or not… There is no “gray” zone when it comes to such strong personalities… Jay and Silent Bob, characters from legendary movie Clerks, are finally back to the big screen!

Jay and Silent Bob discover that very soon is rebooting an old movie based on them and they are going on a mission to stop that. In the meantime, Jay discovers that he is a dad and trying to find himself in a father role...

image by imdb.com

The movie is written and directed by the master himself, Kevin Smith who is also playing the role of Silent Bob. Besides Clerks, Kevin has also directed few episodes in TV series like The Goldbergs, Supergirl or The Flash. As an actor, he has done a lot of voiceovers for some of the very popular video games, animated movies and was a guest actor as Silent Bob in many TV series and movies.

As Jay and Silent Bob are very popular characters in Hollywood, many famous actors were willing to participate in their new movie, so beside Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith, we will see 4 times Golden Globe nominee Jason Lee (TV series My Name Is Earl (2005-2009), Almost Famous (2000)), double Oscar winner Ben Affleck (Argo (2012), Gone Girl (2014)), Shannon Elizabeth (American Pie movies, Scary Movie (2000)), another Academy Award Winner Matt Damon (Good Will Hunting (1997), The Martian (2015)), Chris Hemsworth (The Avengers (2012), Thor: Ragnarok (2017)), Rosario Dawson (Rent (2005), Alexander (2004)), multiple Emmy nominee Fred Armisen (TV series Portlandia (2011–2018), The Last Man on Earth (2017-2018)), Val Kilmer (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005), The Doors (1991)) and many others.

Take a look at the official trailer for Jay and Silent Bob Reboot movie:

The movie Jay and Silent Bob Reboot comes to the cinema in October 2019.

You can find more details about the movie at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6521876

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