Episode 7: What is #Ripple? What is #XRP? Part 1

In Episode 7: The New Creation Podcast, we take the next step into our investigation after looking into the IMF, Digital currency and world banks. There is one coming that kept coming up that deals with money and payments, that is Ripple, so we decided to ask the question, "What is Ripple? What is XRP?"

This caught our attention, and this is our "Story of the Day"

What Is Ripple. Everything You Need To Know

Ripple XRP Building the Internet of Money From Dec 17, 2014 via BankXRP

What is ripple? | IG Explainers via IG|UK

Come on and take a listen and please don't forget to share, like and subscribe to our podcast channel. We love and want your feedback. Thanks for dropping on by!

New You. New Future. New Creation.

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With Christ at the shows center, this is a place where we discuss what happens in the cryptocurrency world today. We discuses stories that focus on current events, the stock market and digital assets.

New Creation Podcast
New Creation Podcast

A place where we discuss what happens in the world today. We talk about stories that focus on current events, the stock market and digital assets. New You. New Future. New Creation.

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