New Creation Capital Podcast Episode 14

Episode 14: Details into Ripple and Money Graham; 55k Amount of XRP worth $9,900 being Transferred Over 100xs to Mexico the Same Day?

In Episode 14 we ask the question what is really behind the details of the Ripple and Money Graham deal. Plus, whats up with the 55,000 amount of XRP worth $9,900 being transferred over 100 times from Bitstamp to Bitso on Apirl 4, 2020.  After digging this caught our attention, and this is our "Story of the Day"


Amended Lawsuit Against Ripple Now Offers Theory That XRP May Not Be a Security

CFTC defines "actual delivery" for digital assets

Top crypto exchanges, token issuers named in Friday barrage of U.S. class-action lawsuits

Utility-Scan Beta

The Law Behind Bank Deposits Over $10,000

FDIC closes small West Virginia bank, moves deposits to MVB Bank

FDIC Failed Banks List


Market Watch Live



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New Creation Podcast
New Creation Podcast

A place where we discuss what happens in the world today. We talk about stories that focus on current events, the stock market and digital assets. New You. New Future. New Creation.

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