

Welcome: what you will find developing from this Blog in the form of individual Posts, is an eclectic array of form and format delving into an equally eclectic array of subject matter. The objective of this Blog is to convey the meanderings of a curious mind expressed through poetry, short-story, photography, and graphic-digital art. If any of this tickles your fancy: please proceed and hopefully your curiosity will be satisfactorily served. Too, a quick critical comment is always appreciated.

REALITY: A Rear View Reflection?

14 Sep 2021 6 minute read 0 comments naykdhodlr

The following is a layman's attempt to better comprehend our perceived daily reality on a metaphysical level and is: REALITY: A Rear View Reflection? What is Reality? Most of us take ‘reality’ for granted that is, to take the view (no pun intended) t...

Truth or Deception - 21st Century Style

13 Sep 2021 2 minute read 0 comments naykdhodlr

The present state of virtual reality technologies [VR], computer generated imagery [CGI], and artificial intelligence {AI} being, for all-intent-and purposes, at the infancy stage of their respective development; what is to date presented indicates a...


13 Sep 2021 1 minute read 2 comments naykdhodlr

When watching and listening to various Congressional Committee hearings, and other public media events represented by both Republican and Democrats side by side; the physical appearance, characteristics and the manor by which they conducted themselve...

An Explanation for Consternation

11 Sep 2021 2 minute read 0 comments naykdhodlr

Pondering the intellectual question: `Why do I exist?' leads to a search for: An Explanation for Consternation Observing the literal and artistic creativity of others though prolific, it possibly represents less then one-percent of the collective cre...

Cancel Culture – Cleansing The Wrongs of the Past

11 Sep 2021 1 minute read 10 comments naykdhodlr

Cancel Culture – Cleansing The Wrongs of the Past It is difficult to pin-point the exact moment, or impetus in the movement toward eliminating or censoring that which a significant segment of this 21st Century, Western society construe as in-appropri...

Future Life?

5 Sep 2021 1 minute read 2 comments naykdhodlr

The real and disastrous events materializing as humanity progresses deeper into this century, ominous projections of worsening conditions attributed to climate change; dysfunctional governance; moral and ethical dividing wedge leading to tribalism; a...


3 Sep 2021 1 minute read 0 comments naykdhodlr

  The anx associated with creative writing of all forms: how will it be received? Though not the driving force to that created, but of subliminal concern: Compilations   Daily confronting a blank computer screen I the tool, write what is mentally see...

A Simple Bowl of Jello

3 Sep 2021 12 minute read 0 comments naykdhodlr

Having a layman's curious interest in the full spectrum of science related to cosmology, astrophysics, quantum theory, and the great scientific minds associated; the following is a fictional story of one research scientist's account of what is to be...

A STRANGE PREMONITION ~ Cry of Desperation!

30 Aug 2021 3 minute read 2 comments naykdhodlr

A true and inexplicable story ~ A STRANGE PREMONITION – Cry of Desperation!  In early fall 2006, a year following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, I volunteered in a Ward south of New Orleans to help clear major debris and repair homes when possible, as mo...


30 Aug 2021 1 minute read 0 comments naykdhodlr

Forever I feel like the toy you play with Only when you want to I want to feel like the toy you play with All the time The toy you’d carry in your back pocket And miss were it ever not there I want to be your toy forever