By naykdhodlr | naykdhodlr | 1 Oct 2024



At present the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and its deemed enemies in the region show increasing potential to expand into a broader war involving Western powers, namely the United States, to aid Israel. 

So, what should be known to comprehend how these decades-long conflict between Israel and principally, the Palestinian Peoples of Gaza, and the West Bank?

It would seem obvious to those of us not living in the Middle East, or neighboring region, in a civil democracy; our western government leaders determined to support Israel both financially, and military materiel are correct when they claim: "Israel has the right to defend itself" from its perceived [terrorist] enemy. 

But, is it possible by design, to be mislead to an understanding as to whom, or which is the real 'enemy' in this historical battle over the rights to occupy the lands conflictingly identified as Israel vs Palestine?

As it would appear Israel to be the 'protagonist' in this evolving story, it would behoove the clarity from its perspective as told by those whom are best to know, leaving the reader to decide whether what is believed about Israel are "Truth or Lies?"





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