Swastika in my travels around Asia

By madventure | Nature, Photography | 13 Jan 2025



The symbol of happiness and love, used to this day in most cultures of the world - that is, Swastika. Olive bowl with traces of the creator's fingerprint

While traveling around the world, mainly in Asia, you can come across this symbol very often. Both in Buddhism and Hinduism, the ancient symbol of happiness and love is most often used to decorate houses, but the symbol is also present on many everyday objects, and it is used in most cultures of the world to this day. A certain historical fact cast a shadow over this beautiful symbol of happiness and unfortunately, the swastika in Europe is associated almost exclusively with Nazism.



This bowl came with me from India from Bombay and it is used to store holy oil or as a censer. This bowl is very special for me because it is handcrafted from Indian soil and clay and has the fingerprints of the man who made it. No two are alike (and I have several) - that's magic 🙂





Here, in turn, is a classic censer, also hand-made, but more for a tourist. Bought in Bombay at the market, it also has a symbol of happiness and love - the swastika.


House in Chennai, India, Indian Swastika


This is one of the houses in Chennai that also bears the symbol of the classic Indian swastika.

House in Singapore, China Town, Buddhist swastika (reverse)



And this building is in Singapore in the Chinese Quarter. This swastika symbol is rotated but means the same as in Hinduism.

ornament f1.png

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