Was XVG Attacked This Morning?

By natalia-irish | natalia | 16 Feb 2021

XVG for the Tanoura project is one of the prominent forms of cryptocurrency for cash, as it is positioned as advanced as the full market value, and is one of the most advanced monetary standards in monitoring.

Blockchain research shows that something interesting was going on in a project that was "about to end".

The Verge blockchain appears to have seen a massive improvement over 560,000 block.

Within two hours, XVG exchanges of up to 200 days have recently disappeared.

This is perhaps the most profound improvement that has ever occurred in our top 100 cryptocurrency list.

As we were told at the start of the news, Tanura was one of 100 major cryptocurrency models (at the moment, it has fallen to 103rd in the currency market, with a market estimate of over $ 350 million.)

The "Tanoura" mission turned into the latest survivor of the 51% attack.

In the 51% attack, programmers and blockchain attackers are overseeing a large portion of the blockchain hash power, as they will then be able to leverage this ability to redesign the blockchain and replace the original boxes with their own with the opportunity to multiply the spending and orchestrated misuse of its own advantages.

Overall, it is a really useful attack on specific types of blockchain.

The blockchain Ethereum Classic saw some attacks, up 51% a year ago.


The XVG says the above is not what happened

A confirmed letter from an authority at the "XVG" cash station on Telegram states:

Now restarting the power and sync group pilot, [database] is bad, and it gives an idea that some malicious hubs sought out some unwanted exchanges and neglected to achieve their goal of splitting, and that's all the data we currently have for you.

Authority update will come soon, stay calm and make sure your crypto forms are protected from money, we will contact the exchange stages when we have all the fine details.

No, there was no assault.

XVG has not been affected much by the recent developments around it, as its value has so far been valued at 0.022, an increase of 2% in the last 24 hours.



Images Credit

BY @Natalia-Irish


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