Coinpot Challenge Day 66- Earning 10.000$ Worth Of Crypto By The End Of 2020 For Free

By Zemiatin | mycryptojourney1 | 8 Jul 2020

Hey guys and welcome to day 66 of my coinpot challenge.

Here is how my earnings look today and how they looked 3 days ago in my last update:



Now, let's convert what we have today in $:

  • BTC           0.00068569          =                    6.37$
  • (I also add the 0.0001 BTC withdrawn here)
  • BCH          0.00116784            =                 0.2813$
  • Doge        114.91                =                      0.4983$
  • LTC          0.00431421         =                    0.1923$
  • Dash       0.00286010          =                    0.2038$
                                                 Total  =                 7.5457$

So I am getting slolwy but steadily closer to reaching 10$ in earnings which is pretty nice. The price of Doge exploded in the last day aftee some viral video on TIkTok advised people to buy Doge. If only I had more Doge haha.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope everyone is having a great day. 


How you can earn from Coinpot


First, go to   and create your account. Coinpot is the microwallet where you will get payed all your faucet earnings in the 5 different cryptos supported ( Bitcoin, Dogecoin, BCH, Litecoin and Dash) .

After you registered to Coinpot  ,  here are 7 supported faucets where you can begin claiming. All you have to do is solve a captcha. It takes less than 10 seconds for each claim.








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