Portfolio May update - $7904 of passive crypto income

Portfolio May update - $7904 of passive crypto income

By XawPublish | My token portfolio | 2 Jun 2021

Welcome to the monthly review of my token portfolio, I started tracking this portfolio now 15 months ago in full transparency. I provide updates of the interests received, the services used and the transactions performed during the month. This post tracks what happened in May and this month is was very bumpy...

Crypto interests

The portfolio earnings reached $7904 this month, that's a 30% decrease from the previous month. The following tokens (including any kind of staking or interest rewards, browsing interest, Publish0x payments, and any kind of promo code or referee bonus) contributed to the interest:

  • 2027.42 Matic from Curve and Beefy Finance as reward to my participation to the aDAI+aUSDC+aUSDT liquidity pool and to the Matic vault
  • 5.65 BOR from BoringDAO as reward for staking oBTC
  • 405.51 LDO from Curve and Convex Finance as reward to my participation to the ETH/stETH and  liquidity pool
  • 77.03 CEL from Celsius Network as interest on my CEL, 0x, UNI tokens
  • 452.08 CRV from Curve and as reward to my participation to the ETH/stETH liquidity pools.
  • 128.05 CHSB from SwissBorg as interest on the Smart Yield account for CHSB tokens
  • 2.87 SNX from Celsius Network as interest on my SNX
  • 0.06 FARM from Harvest Finance as staking reward for my FARM tokens.
  • 19.41 ADA from Binance as locked staking reward on my ADA tokens.
  • 0.69 SUSHI from Sushiswap as staking reward for my SUSHI tokens.
  • 6.05 TFUEL from Theta Network as rewards for staking TFUEL and running a Theta Edge node.
  • 0.20 XTZ from Binance as locked staking reward on my XTZ tokens.
  • 1.13 BAT from Brave from ads.
  • 12.34 BUSD from Ellipsis Finance as reward to my staking of my EPS tokens.
  • 0.214 BUNNY from Bunny Finance as reward on the BNB and BTCB and USDT pools.
  • 66.38 GUSD from Goose Finance as reward on the BTCB, DOT and USDT vault.
  • 7.29 EGG from Goose Finance as reward on the DOT farm
  • 135.36 EURS from yearn
  • 0.01 DASH from Binance as locked staking reward on my DASH tokens
  • 21.86 CVX from Convex Finance as reward to my participation
  • 0.20 AVAX from Binance as locked staking reward on my AVAX tokens

The following diagram depicts the evolution of the received monthly crypto interests:

Crypto interest evolution

Regarding the interest composition, MATIC(45%), BOR(24%), LDO(10%), CEL(7%) are the top contributors of the interest. The remaining 16 sources are only 14%.

Interest composition

Transactions realized

At the beginning of the month,

  • I reinvested previous EGG, BUSD and USDT rewards into a USDT vault from Bunny Finance
  • I also reinvested previous BUNNY rewards into the BUNNY vault from Bunny Finance
  • I moved my MATIC from AAVE to Beefy Finance to get a higher rewards, around 20% APY

Middle of the month, all the market started crashing, Bunny Finance got hacked and all its vaults earned almost nothing at that time, so

End of the month,

  • I sold all GUSD rewards for some USDT and added them on the Goose Finance vault
  • I reinvested the last MATIC rewards received from the Curve aDAI+aUSDC+aUSDT liquidity pool to WBTC and put them in the Beefy Finance vault
  • I moved my EURS from Yearn Finance to Convex Finance to get better rewards
  • I moved my stETH/ETH liquidity pool tokens from Curve to Convex Finance to get better rewards
  • I claimed my Convex Finance rewards as LDO, CVX and CRV tokens, converted the LDO to CRV and staked both CRV and CVX on Convex Finance
  • Finally I had to move back the BOR rewards from BoringDAO to Ethereum to convert it to WBTC and stake it on Convex Finance via Curve tBTC/sBTC pool

Evolution of the portfolio value

  • The portfolio finished the month with a loss of $86K which is -13%. This is bad especially as the 11th of May the portfolio was gaining +14%, but not THAT bad as 2 weeks later, it was loosing more than -25%...
  • If we look at the performance of the main components of the portfolio: CHSB lost -39.53%, BTC lost -36.55%, ETH lost -10.6% and CEL gained +15.38%. 

Evolution of the portfolio

  • I did not do major rebalancing during the month, I only reinvested some of the crypto interest into stable coins before the crash and into BTC after and during the crash
  • The stable coin allocation is now 19.1% which is in my 15-20% target range
  • The ETH/BTC allocation is now 43%, completely in the 40-50% target range
  • CEL/CHSB is still at around 30% which is fine.

Portfolio allocation

Regarding the evolution of the portfolio value vs the capital invested, the portfolio value lost some margin compared to the value invested. I like this diagram during volatile month as it helps keeping a cool head.

Capical invested vs porfolio value

Another thing that helped me keep a cool head is the following diagram with the monthly performance of the portfolio compared to bitcoin:

Monthly performance


Things to look forward to in June

In June, I'll keep monitoring the yields of my various investments and in particular the ones from Convex Finance. This platform is fairly new and very promising. I'm also looking forward of the announcement that should happen in a few days in the Bitcoin Conference especially from Celsius Network.

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My token portfolio
My token portfolio

This blog tracks the evolution of my token portfolio. In includes a transparent list of apps, services, tokens, transactions I'll be doing while trying to manage this portfolio.

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