Welcome to the monthly review of my token portfolio, I started tracking this portfolio now 58 months ago in full transparency. I provide updates of the interests received, the services used and the transactions performed during the month. This post tracks what happened in December 2024.
Crypto interests
The portfolio earnings reached $3926 this month, that's a 9.7% increase from the previous month. The following tokens (including any kind of airdrops, mining, staking, interest rewards, browsing interest, Publish0x payments, and any kind of promo code or referee bonus) contributed to the earnings. They are ordered from the largest to the lowest contribution:
- 2039 CRV from Curve Finance as reward for contributing to the cbBTC/WBTC, frxETH/ETHand xWETH and scrvUSD/sUSDe liquidity pools on Ethereum, ETH/cbETH and USDC/scrvUSD liquidity pools on Base, uniETH/WETH liquidity pool on Arbitrum, xStable and xWETH liquidity pools on Fantom.
- 955 USDC from Merkl, Curve Finance and ACI as reward for contributing to the WBTC/cbBTC, sDAI/sUSDe and scrvUSD/sUSDe liquidity pools and staking GHO.
- 251 AERO from Aerodrome Finance as reward for contributing to the WETH/msETH liquidity pools on Base.
- 0.737 AAVE from Aave as reward for staking some AAVE and GHO.
- 5.2887 GMX from GMX as reward for staking my GMX tokens on Arbitrum.
- 467.5 EYWA from CrossCurve as reward for contributing to the xStable and xWETH liquidity pools.
- 0.31768 GNO from my GnosisPay Visa debit card cashback.
- 38.9481 OP from Merkl as reward for my contributions to the ETH/rsETH liquidity pools on Mode.
- 12.78 JTO from Kamino Finance as reward for my contributions to the JitoSOL/SOL liquity pool on Solana.
- 0.004184 ETH from Curve Finance as reward for contributing EURe/xDAI/USDC/USDT liquidity pool on Gnosis.
- 9500 IOT from my Helium access points.
- 167.82 KIM from Merkl as reward for contributing to the ETH/rsETH on Mode.
- 0.2502 ATOM as staking reward.
- 3.34 LUNA as staking rewards.
- 0.29 CVX as reward for providing for contributing to the cbBTC/WBTC on StakeDAO and frxETH/ETH on Convex Finance.
- 2.5369 JUNO as staking rewards.
- 0.792 OSMO from Osmosis as staking rewards.
The following diagram depicts the evolution of the received monthly crypto interests:
This month, the annualized interest is 10.6% APR. The average on the last 12 month is now at 13.7% APR.
Regarding the interest composition, this month the sources are less diverse than usually: CRV(48.7%), USDC(24.4%), AERO(9.1%), AAVE(6.1%) are the top contributors. The remaining sources are around 11.7%.
Transactions realized
Beginning of the month,
- I converted some ETH to EURe and loaded my GnosisPay VISA debit card.
- I removed by cbBTC/WBTC liquidity from Uniswap as the USDC reward ended and moved it all to Curve Finance and StakeDAO.
- I claimed my AAVE rewards and staked them on Aave.
- I claimed and compounded my GMX rewards.
Middle of the month,
- I removed my wrsETH/WETH liquidity from KIM on Mode and moved it into uniETH/WETH on Curve Finance on Arbitrum.
- I skated my KIM token for the vesting duration.
- I sold my TIA token for USDC and loaded my GnosisPay VISA debit card with them.
- I claimed my OP, GHO and USDC rewards from Merkl, as well as my AERO from Aerodrome Finance and my CRV from Curve Finance on base to create a new stable coin position as scrvUSD/USDC on Curve Finance for around 25% APY.
End of the month,
- I claimed and vested my initial EYWA tokens from providing xStable liquidity on CrossCurve.
- I swapped my GNO cashback into EURe that I loaded on my GnosisPay VISA debit card.
- I added fresh EURO funds in my wallet using the GnosisPay VISA debit card IBAN and moved them into the EURe/xDAI/USDC/USDT on
- Curve Finance on Gnosis for around 15% APY.
- I removed my uniETH/WETH from Curve on Arbitrum and put part of it in Ramses for around 15% APY and the other part in xWETH on CrossCurve on Fantom for around 30% APY.
Evolution of the portfolio value
- The portfolio finished the month with a loss of $18.7K which is -4.2%.
- The performances of the main components of the portfolio were fairly bad except AAVE: WBTC(-3.9%), ETH(-10%), GMX(-13.5%), SOL(-20%) and AAVE(+47.5%).
- With the fresh funds and the reallocation, the stable coins allocation is now 19.7%. It is a mix of GHO/DAI/USDC/USDT/USDe/crvUSD/EURe.
- It is still in my target range of 15-25%. I'll reinvest the monthly interest received in stable coin if the stable coin allocation is lower than the range, in non-stable coins if it is higher than the range.
Here is the portfolio value compared to the value invested and the interest received. This month the value invested increased by 17K in relation to the new fresh funds added.
The portfolio performance is -4.2% this month, the historical monthly average is now +5.14%.
Things to look forward in January
December was a disappointment after a crazy November. I increased my stable coin allocation and I'll use it to buy more WBTC/ETH if the market goes down in January. Apart from that, I'll continue paying for my monthly spending using mostly my crypto interest and my GnosisPay VISA debit card.