How I earned $755 of interest in November using Celsius Network, Uniswap, Sushiswap, Harvest Finance, Brave and Barnbridge

How I earned $755 of interest in November using Celsius Network, Uniswap, Sushiswap, Harvest Finance, Brave and Barnbridge

By XawPublish | My token portfolio | 2 Dec 2020

Welcome to the monthly review of my token portfolio, it's already the 10th post where I provide an update of the interests received, the services used and the transactions performed during the month. This post tracks what happened in November.

Crypto interests received in November

I received $755 of interest (including crypto interest, browsing interest, Publish0x payments, and any kind of promo code or referee bonus) from the following sources in June:

  • 269.86 CEL from Celsius Network as interest on my BTC, ETH, CEL, DASH, LINK, SNX, 0x, UNI and BAT tokens.
  • 0.00269 BTC from Celsius Network as referee bonus.
  • 7.86 UNI from Uniswap as reward on my participation to the DAI/ETH liquidity pool.
  • 8.123 SUSHI from Sushiswap as reward on my participation to the YFI/ETH liquidity pool.
  • 0.013 FARM from Harvest Finance as reward on my participation to the DAI farm.
  • 3.16 BAT from Brave from ads and referee bonus. 
  • 0.0124 BOND from Barnbridge  as reward on my participation to the USDC/DAI/sUSD pool.

The following diagram depicts the evolution of the received monthly crypto interests with current crypto prices since I started tracking them.

Crypto interest evolution

Transactions realized in November

  • Deposited around $1500 of new CHSB tokens to surf on the arrival of the Smart Yield account of SwissBorg
  • Withdrawn my founds from the Uniswap DAI/ETH liquidity pool after the UNI reward period finished.
  • Invested the DAI from the Uniswap DAI/ETH liquidity pool first into the Harvest Finance DAI farm for 11% APY, and then into the Barnbridge USDC/DAI/sUSD pool for 25% APY.
  • Invested the ETH from the Uniswap DAI/ETH liquidity pool into Alpha Finance ibETH/ALPHA liquidity pool. The return of this liquidity pool is crazy high, it was announced at around 290% APY when I joined it and it is still at 160% APY today. 
  • Sold almost all my BAT token and reinvested it into the Sushiswap YFI/ETH liquidity pool for around 74% APY. I was basically not happy with the recent evolution of the BAT token even if I like the Brave browser.

Evolution of the portfolio value in November

  • The portfolio gained around $54K in November which is 57%. This is very high and is mainly coming from the ETH which gained 54% and the CEL which gained 74%.
  • During that time, BTC gained "only" 37%. So, while BTC performed better than ETH in October, the situation reversed in November.

Portfolio evolution in November

I kept my CEL allocation high during the month and I will probably continue doing so while the performance of CEL stays as good. I plan to re-balance the ETH and part of the CEL to stable coins then to a mix of ETH and BTC as soon as the RSI indicators rotate again.

Portfolio allocation - November

Regarding the evolution of the portfolio value vs the capital invested, the portfolio value increased its performance against the value invested plus the interest. Note that the blue line in the following diagram uses current token price to evaluate the amount of interest received in the past.

Capical invested vs porfolio value

Things to look forward to in December

For December, I'm still looking forward to the release of the Smart Yield account of SwissBorg, even if I'm a bit disappointed by the delay. I will also invest more money in stable coins probably in a mix of Barnbridge and Harvest Finance with the goal of reaching $1000 of crypto interest per month without adding volatility to the portfolio.

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Crypto/Blockchain and finance enthusiast

My token portfolio
My token portfolio

This blog tracks the evolution of my token portfolio. In includes a transparent list of apps, services, tokens, transactions I'll be doing while trying to manage this portfolio.

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