Acoustic Reggae - Natural Percussion - Vocal Sampling - Te Quiero by Hombre G (cover)

This is an Original Creative Production, which was not appreciated in the past and in this way I made an adaptation to present it to this community of brothers who believe and appreciate the magical reggae and ska music.

It is a cover of the song "Te Quiero" by the Spanish Band of the Eighties "Hombres G".
I hope you enjoy it.

Jah Live!




I performed the percussion using a dried coconut, an improvised "Güira" and a pair of maracas.
The maracas are one percussion instrument used in Venezuelan folk music and are elaborated using a dried fruit called "Tapara". Inside, the seeds of a flower plant commonly called "Capacho"




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Juan Molina
Juan Molina

I'm passionate about everything related to Crypto and Blockchain

My Music: Originals and Covers
My Music: Originals and Covers

I am an amateur musician. I like to create audiovisual productions of my Original songs. I also do covers. In My Musical Styles, Caribbean sounds, Ska, Reggae, Son predominate. But I also enjoy rock.

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