Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

By Melina Mehr | My cycling experiences | 13 Apr 2022

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

The photos I took this weekend from my trip to the sea have become strangely similar to black and white photos.

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

With the onset of hot seasons and the end of the cold bitter winter, life takes on a different path. As if it had never sunk in the turbulence of the frost and begged for a bit of sunlight to survive.

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

Nature remains intoxicating, every corner of it delights you.

The photos I took this weekend from my trip to the sea have become strangely similar to black and white photos.

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

Maybe because the three disproportionate elements, the sunrise, the fog, and the morning cold, came together. And all three unwillingly neutralized each other.

Livelihood is harder than ever. And a bitter feeling says that we are about to get even closer to famine. Every morning the news about something’s price skyrocketing spreads. It has become the everyday routine, to the point that middle-class and deprived people are reluctant to buy even simple vegetables like potatoes & tomatoes.

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

Whenever my heart feels like the sea and my eyes are waiting, I review these images and the sea with all its beauties appears in my mind.

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

One morning I went to the beach by bicycle again. I wanted to buy fruits on my back, but the prices stopped me. JUST forget it!

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

These days, the sound of birds can be heard in a welcoming tone. It is spring INDEED. Such an extremely pleasant riot.

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

The sea is still dancing and the waves are laughing … and such gorgeous scenery …

Black & White Pictures! Just Forget About It & Smile!

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Melina Mehr
Melina Mehr

I'm a freelance writer, passionate about, music, books and nature.

My cycling experiences
My cycling experiences

When I go riding on my bike, the world around me becomes exciting and so elegant all at once, so despite the shortcomings, disasters and horrors… I embrace it. I know it is not just me having these feelings, but I’m definitely another nature lover looking for unanswered questions in an extraordinary manner as well. I cherish the pictures caught by my camera and the ones remained forever in my essence.

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