Murchison Farm

Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

Today is God's Holy Sabbath!

29 Jun 2019 1 minute read 1 comment ArmFarm

We come to You Lord on this day, Your Holy Sabbath, and give you all Honor, Praise, and Glory! We thank You for all that You have done, all that You do, and all that Your will do! We Praise You for the Precious Gift of Your Son Jesus Christ, Lord of...

A Superior Alternative to Facebook!

28 Jun 2019 1 minute read 1 comment ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! I hope You are having a Blessed and Beautiful day! By now, if you have been reading my posts, you know how unhappy I am with facebook and their persecution of those who do not follow their liberal agenda. That has never stopped me fro...

Why not Libra?

28 Jun 2019 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a Blessed and Prosperous day! I have posted a couple of good reasons why Fbook's attenmpt to enter the Crypto arena will meet failure. I have since seen and read many other solid reasons that support the theory o...

Will BitCoin ever drop under $13k again? I doubt it!

27 Jun 2019 1 minute read 2 comments ArmFarm

What an amazing day! God Blesses all those who call upon Him!!!!! Do not doubt it for a billionth of a millisecond! BitCoin is purched on the cusp of a mighty uprising wave! The Gig is up and everyone wants to buy to Hold!!! And, they have many many...

This may be the best price, on BitCoin, that you will ever see again!

27 Jun 2019 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! I hope you have accepted a Blessed and Beautiful day! I will get straight to the point! As we guide the price of BitCoin ever higher and higher, please remember me, who at this point is not personally heavily owning BitCoin! Through t...

How to remove fbooks intrusive App on your smart phone!(How to uninstall facebook, even if your phone won't let you!)

26 Jun 2019 1 minute read 3 comments ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! Let Freedom and Liberty Reign! I once installed fbook's App on my phone, but I soon learned what a terrible mistake I had made. With a long, long, history in I.T., I was able to uninstall it and remove all of the hidden crap they had...

Beware the enemies of Freedom!

26 Jun 2019 1 minute read 1 comment ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a Blessed and Prosperous day! Up until this point I have been very happy with the comradre and quality of the members of Publish0x! Unfortunately I have encountered misbehavior from some who are now posting negat...


25 Jun 2019 1 minute read 14 comments ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a Blessed and Prosperous day! If you have read my post about fbook, you know that they have thrown me into fbook joil for 30 days. I consider it fbook vacation! The main reason I even go back on fbook is to offer...

Making Wine, Part II

25 Jun 2019 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a Blessed and Prosperous day! If you read my first post titled Making Wine, you will recognize that this is the follow up post. I am sharing this experience to all who are interested. Yesterday, the final procedu...

A perfect example of why fbooks venture into Crypto is Doomed to Failure!

24 Jun 2019 1 minute read 10 comments ArmFarm

Hello Everyone! I hope today is a Blessed and Prosperous one for you! My day has been good so far. At least up until a few minutes ago. I posted some art work, on fbook, about muslim slave markets. Fbook slaped a 30 day ban on my account! I really do...