Something Fishy In The Air.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 18 Aug 2021

Maybe you have a better understanding than have I. 

To me the numbers just do not add up. I just pulled this latest quote, from the spot market, a few seconds ago =monex-logo-text.svg 


$1,788.00 +0.00          The Establishment would have you think that the value of gold has fallen, and is on the decline. And, to a certain extent that is true - at least in the sense that they want to grab as much as possible - for as little cost as possible.    On the other hand, premiums, fees, and other surcharegs raise the price far above spot - for the average person looking to acquire Gold. Have a seat, this may come as a shock when you see what Gold is actually selling for.   As you may, or may not know - it takes a little over 31 grams to make an ounce of Gold. Just a short time ago, it was possible to buy 1 gram, of Gold, in a small bar for somewhere around $70 to $80. That was when an ounce of Gold would cost you around $2k. That is reasonable, because the smaller bullion cost a little more than a full ounce.    Now looking to tonight.  Since Gold spot has dropped to under $18k an ounce, it is logical to postulate that 1 gram would be priced around $65 to $75. The truth is somewhat shocking. Knowing the true value and the very likelyhood of imminent skyrocket demand, i have been bidding much higher amounts - and loosing! 1 gram of gold bullion is selling from a few lows of $130 to much more common highs around $170!  If you do the math - Gold is selling for as much as $5,000+ per ounce!!!  

😞 Engelhard - 1 Gram… sold for $167.50, but there's more! 😊      


  We've found lots of similar items for you. eBay This item is gone but there's more! See similar items Anthony, Because you were interested in this item, we've found a few similar picks for you. Engelhard - 1 Gram 999.9 Fine Gold Bar - Sealed w/ Assay Card   Engelhard - 1 Gram 999.9 Fine Gold Bar - Sealed w/ Assay Card See bid history


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$180.00 Top Rated Seller item logo: This item is from a top rated seller. Free Shipping




Remember, in many of these cases the dollar amount, under the item, is the starting  bid! Let that sink in.

It is obvious that the general public is being fed misinformation. Spot prices are far under the Real World Price. If you have been wise enough to put back a little stash of Precious Metals, then you are ahead of many who still may not see the onrush of Hyper-Inflation. It most likely will only be a short time before Gold, and other Precious Metals have raced beyond the average person's grasp.

If you are not prepared, for the Economic Meltdown quickly approaching, there is no time like now. There are still a few barains around, if you work dilligently to find them. There are also a large number of scams, and growing, where people are being scammed with fake coins and bullion. I suggest you find a reputable source and invest in some precious metals.

You certainly don't have to purchase from us, but it would be pragamtic to build some type of Precious Metals Inventory. 

If you are interested in seeing what we offer, please take a look at my last post -

You don't have to take my word for it - I encourage you to look for yourself! Certaily don't fall for the fake spot prices!

At the risk of sounding forward - It may be now or never for some.



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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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