A Special Promotion - Available To The Pub0x Community ONLY!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 16 Aug 2021

Hello to One and All!

The purpose of this post is to announc our Special Promotion for our readers. From now through Friday, August 20th, we are offering a 10% discount on your total oder(s) placed with our Ebay sales! This discount includes our listed domestic shipping charge, but Does Not include international shipping charges. Please message me on Ebay, so that we can apply your discount before you pay your invoice.

This is a great opportunity to diversify your investments into Rare Coins, or simply add some great coins to your collection! We also offer a large selection of desirable items, other than coins! The more you buy, the more you save! This special 10% discount applies to our intire inventory!

Here is the direct link to our eBay account =  This way to Great Bargains!

From there you can quickly and easily view all of our current listings. If you like what you see, you can also save our account. That will allow quick and easy access, in the future, as well as allow you to set your email preferences to receive notifications of all our future listings.

The following are two new listings we added just for this weeks Special Promotion. Both are Investment Grade Coins, composed of Valuable Precious Metals

.1976 Platinum 150 Balboa Proof Coin Republic of Panama (b)


1976 Platinum 150 Balboa Proof Coin Republic of Panama (b)

Check it out here


!1913 Gold 22kt 2.5 Pesos Republic of Columbia (Q)


1913 Gold 22kt 2.5 Pesos Republic of Columbia (Q)

Check out this Large Gold Treasure!


A few examples, of the other broad and diverse range of items we offer  -


-Troy Aikman Upper Deck Silver Set Card #C7

Troy Aikman Upper Deck Silver Set Card #C7


Carnaby Collection Chicken Cream Pitcher

Carnaby Collection Chicken Cream Pitcher


Coke & The Bear A Winning Pair, Crimson Tide Coke Bottle Unopened

Coke & The Bear A Winning Pair, Crimson Tide Coke Bottle Unopened


Please accept our invitation and come take advantage of this Special Opportunity! With Inflation arising all around us, there may never be a better time!

Also, please remember that we have a large, and growing customer base. We won't know to give you this special discount, unless you refer to this post!


We have a large number of Coins currently listed on eBay, and we also have a large collection of more Coins - that we will be listing as time permits! Our Collections range from common coins to Extremely Rare Error and Toned Beauties!

We usually maintain over 550 ittems, listed on eBay. If you haven't already, pleaes save our account. Doing so will allow you to quickly and easily view all of our current listings, as well as set your email preferences to receive notifications of our future listngs. Be among the first, to gain access to our special sale prices!

If you would like to receive $5 Free BitCoin(simply for signing up), and get Free BitCoin back on your purchases, simply follow this link - or copy this link to your search line, and create your Free Lolli Account = https://lolli.com/share/DBSSRD

If You would like to earn Free BitCoin for Playing Games and completging other Online Thasks, from Tried, Tested, and Proven Sites - follow these links to Create Your Free Accounts =



To Create Your Free Account with Coinbase( One of the Strongest and Most Established CryptoCurrencie Exchanges ), and get $10 Free BitCoin - please accept my invitation and follow this link =


Last, but Certainly Not Least - A  Tried, Tested, and Proven Source for a Legitimate 7%+ return on investment. Not to mention Compounded Daily.  A  Great Site to park some CryptoCurrencies - and watch their numbers grow.  =  https://stakecube.net/?team=Murchisonfarm

Please accept this invitation, and join us on Publish0x. We often announce Secret Sales and Discounts, which may not be available without Special Invitations - found here!

Publish0x is a Blog site, where you can earn CryptoCurrencies for reading and/or writing. It can also be a powerful source of information regarding BlockChain/Digitgal Currencies. Those are not the only topics to be found there! Allow Pub0x to be one of Your Information Sources!



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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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