Hello Everyone! I hope you have had a Blessed and Prosperous day!
Today I want to share my experience and impression of Masmic. A strong hint is that I am not sharing a link to Masmic. After I registered my account, I scanned the questions and immediately became suspicious. If you have read some of my previous posts, you might be aware that I have been in the crypto world for a few years and have encountered many of the scams. I fell for a few, but, in most cases I paid attention to the Red Flags that I have shared in some of my previous posts.
The reason that I became suspicious was because some of the questions were very insubstantial, and some were just plain stupid. Supposedly, people deposit their hard earned crypto into this site to pay for answers. What idiot would pay for answers to these questions. Then the red flags continue to pop up. I ansered some of the better questions yet I got no upvotes. In fact, when you pay attention, no one has recieved any votes! Also I got no pay for any of the answers that I gave. The final Tell-All is the answers given to a question for all brand new members. The question is " Newly joined members, what is your first impression of Masmic.com, or something very simularly worded. There are many fake answers along the lines of "First I thought Masmic was a scam, but then I got paid, etc... Almost all of the ansers came from the view of someone who has been using Masmic for a long time and are confident in it, Not someone who is newly joined! This is used in all of the Bitcoin generator sites where they talk up how much they make and all you have to do is pay a fee, which they gladly did. LOL! Right!
If it walks looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, most likely it is a duck! If you want to waste your time on this site, that is your decision. Please don't deposit your hard earned crypto there! I am 99.99999 percent sure it will be gone!
If you like this post or find it useful, please follow my blog and check out some of my other posts! I have also writen other posts dealing with scams, that you might find helpful! My knowledge and experience may well save you some money and grief! If you listen to what I have to say and realize that it saves you from a scam, please feel free to make a small donation!
My BitCoin address is : 35XrC78r8cP6sbVvbH1dRuWpCjdces7fsy
My LTC address is : MEr4ZktBiRU23pAtBC9XRBWyjGRSxgPyeD
My BAT address is : 0xad37D785b6a2F75EEb4AAe1f70b21b418c1a085C
My ETH address is : 0xdb3b8361789418151Ee42525366346f5975C72B8 I can also take Hydro and BNTY here.
As always, your time and interest are appreciated!