Photo by Tom Fisk from Pexels

Giant Spiders Invade The South-Eastern United States

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 14 Mar 2022

Divide and Conquer. If that doesn't work - try to install mass fear and panic.

All I can say, at this particular point, is that if you hold faith in what you are told by the Fake Stream Media - I feel sorry for you.

Case in point - If their first attempt to shake you and install fear with completely fabricated information fails, they will modify their efforts to include some facts along with the disinformation. If you are not already familiar with the facts, and fail to verify the misinformation fed to you, you may well fall victim to their sensationalism and fear mongering. The reality is that the link i shared in my previous post - - along with these links, are very much like the ones used to manipulate the general public with fear of a fake pandemic.

Even if the researchers made mistakes in their findings, it falls upon the Editor to make sure that only facts are presented. In this case, a complete failure.

I still stand by my statements from my earlier post. The Fact is that these particular spiders have been present in the Southern and South-Eastern United States since my earliest childhood memories - well over 50 years. Just FYI - these spiders have very long legs, which must be included if they are to even approach being as big as someones palm.

Please don't play their fool and become just another victim! Stand up for Your Rights and stay rooted in Reality!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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