Blackberry season on Murchison Farm.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 14 May 2019

Hello Everyone! May God pour His Love and Mercy into your life today!

Once again, Blackberry season has begun on Murchison Farm! I ate my first juicy and flavorful berry today. There are large patches of red berries, on their way to ripeness, located all over the farm!

If you love Blackberry Jam, Jelly, and/or Wine, Now is the time to come camping on Murchison Farm's primitive camp grounds! Blackberries are free to paid campers! Pick untill you are content! This crop has the potential to become some of the most flavorable wine ever. Purely Organic!

Among the many things you can do inbetween berry picking, are swimming, fishing, hiking, trail rideing, game trail exploring, creek wadeing, shopping at nearby Greenville. And of course options don't stop there. Murchison Farm is pet and equine friendly!

To learn more about Murchison Farm, please like us on Facebook and you can send a friend invite to Anthony Murchison. 

To book your reservation please register with or and look us up!

Thank you for your time and interest! Please follow my blog and check out my other posts.


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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