A Very Awesome, and Blessed Strength

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 10 Jun 2021

Since some of my earliest days being involved with Information Systems, we have been Grandfathered In as a V.A.R.(value added reseller).
I am Blessed to say that I have a well tested Guitar/Amp/Effects/Accessories combination available for serious Guitar Lovers. If You are a talented player, and just can't seem to find that awesome unique setup, with your current guitar/amp combo, We Offer a Value Added System That is Tried and Tested. Rock n Roll Guitarist will all but be guaranteed to fall in love with the Unique Experience, found in playing these Instruments! 


I say Instruments, because I actually offer only One, but there are several different configurations. The neck , of each guitar, is finely adjusted for powerful and smooth action! There are several  combinations of guitar/effects that can be combined with an awesome Marshall Amp. These Guitars are not run of the mill, but customized and/or modified to Sound Out above the plain average models.Whether you are jamming in the garage, or up on stage, Your Sound will be unique and recognizable as Yours!


If Your Band and/or Performance just needs that special little something to boost it above normal, and bring You that Special Attention - This System Could very well be Your Ticket! Once you hear these, and play them, You Will Understand Exactly what I am referring too!

The initial system is priced beginning at $1695, It includes everything needed to begin immediate performance, except a strap. I am once again in the process of finding a source for Handmade Leather Straps. This System includes a Beautiful and Functional Modified Ibanez Electric/ With Whammy Bar! No apparent degradation of tuning.

  Choice between 2 different effects devices ( 1x 9vlt power supply), cables, a couple of picks, A Marshall amplifier/with built in effects, Surge Suppressor, and guitar case.

Prices are non negotiable.

I am not interested in passing these Treasures sight unseen. if you would like to hear/play one of these Power Houses, please book a camping date with Murchison Farms Primitive Campgrounds. You can enjoy sweet sounds of Guitars Singing, as well as Nature'S Chorous of Music - with Bird Song often prominent as the lead.

We can be found on several Camping Booking sites.

Please be sure to let me know You are interested in the Guitars, when you book! The Prices definitely increase with other configurations, which include Gibson, Fender, Peavey - among others.

Payment options are almost limitless, including some Cryptos! If You find yourself in a love relationship - we will work with you, in taking this Beauty Home!

Come camping with us and experience these Musical Instruments Springing to Life - in Your hands!

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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