Week 1 Beginner Day Trading Part 1

By koialyssa | Multiple Money Maker | 1 May 2021

I decided to start day trading with $700. Currently I am at ___. I tried watching some videos to start and learn but they were too boring. I have some general basic knowledge of the stock market and buying and selling stocks so just going to go off that for now. Hoping for the best. I am using StormGain which gives you $3 for signing up using my link and has a cloud mining service that lets you get $0.62 a day ($18.64+ a month). This is by far the best cloud mining service for free that I have seen.

Day 1:

I went in with the same strategy as my demo account. (Except lowered amounts) I bought $50-$100 on random stocks I guessed would do well. I sold them when I made a decent profit. Usually around 20% profit. 

Profit: +$136.00

Total: $836.00

Day 2:

I was doing well until I went out. I didn't realize that my trades could go down to 0. So lost out on 2 trades. One for $50 and one for $100. I also lost on a couple of smaller trades for $10-20 I didn't realize. Mostly just buying crypto at random. 

Profit: -$211.00

Total: ~$625.00

Day 3:

I went in with somewhat of a gameplan of buying $10 to $20 on each stock. Uping the bid by $10 if it ran low with no real gameplan on what to do if a stock ran low.  I ended up closing a few losses by the end of the day. I usually sold the crypto at $1 profit. I lucked out on a few with $8-6 profit. (Mostly just because I didn't come back quickly) Actually took the time to watch a couple videos on how to day trade.

Profit: +$14.13

Total: $639.13

Day 4:

Today, I made about $11 in the morning until I lost out on a $30 trade with Matic closing out when I wasn't around. My strategy was to buy when the stock was low and sell at around $0.50-$1 profit making me around 5-10% on each trade. Probably going to figure out what "Leverage" means before trading tomorrow. Still trying to find a course to take that won't bore me. Trying to really spend a better chunk of the $639 then just a third of it which I noticed I've be doing. I started the day making $10 trades and around dinner time started doing $20 trades. Not sure why I ended the day at a low amount as I thought I did well.

Profit: -$23.09

Total: $616.04

If you want to sign up for StormGain and trade with me you can sign up here.

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