
Does Apple still slow down older iPhones?

By CryptoWordsmith | Mixed Bag | 16 Jul 2020

In my last post, I shared that US customers can claim about $25 from a class action settlement against Apple for slowing down older devices. But does Apple still follow this practice?

The answer is yes.

However the setting is now only enabled when the battery begins to degrade. iOS is also more transparent now about when performance management has been switched on.

You are affected if you have one of these devices:

  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6S
  • iPhone 6S Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 8 (running iOS 12.1 or higher)
  • iPhone 8 Plus (running iOS 12.1 or higher)
  • iPhone X (running iOS 12.1 or higher)
  • iPhone XS (running iOS 13.1 or higher)
  • iPhone XS Max (running iOS 13.1 or higher)
  • iPhone XR (running iOS 13.1 or higher)

What can you do to prevent this?

If you don't want iOS to slow down your phone, there are a few solutions:

1. Do not upgrade the OS on your iPhone

2. Replace your iPhone battery

3. Switch to an Android phone


Stay safe, and Happy HODLing!


Cover art by Jan Vašek from Pixabay (cropped)


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Mixed Bag
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