Injective Protocol to create derivatives markets for Elrond

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 21 Sep 2020

Today I seen a news that basically thrilled me, Injective Protocol will work along Elrond to create new derivative markets for Elrond Gold (EGLD). Basically two of my favourite projects are uniting their powers to create an innovative product. The partnership will open Elrond to new markets while giving Injective's users the opportunity to trade Elrond Gold, creating the first derivatives exchange to adopt Elrond derivatives. 9f807eee03b742465e48158b4a074599d65ffdfde2692509ba1fc76b2661d5e3.jpeg

When two great projects are working together, the result is expected to be groundbreaking.  Elrond and the Adaptive State Sharding mechanism will allow the block-chain to process real-time splitting and merging of shards as the demand for network capacity changes. This will be backed by Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithm which will enable scalability with a reportedly fast, efficient, and secure consensus mechanism. Imagine implementing 10k transactions per second (TPS), with negligible cost into a borderless global internet economy. When Elrond economic model morphed from Elrond  (ERD) to Elrond Gold (EGLD), the aim was to become the most robust and universal store of value in existence based on fungibility, portability, durability and divisibility. This transformation created a token that cannot be to copied or counterfeited. dc39c0f318ae664aa233c2d1d35f7eb443cace22ab358d9fd2729916379119a6.jpeg

The Injective Protocol was created to be the back-bone of fast, secure and fully decentralized trading. This is how the first front-running resistant, layer-2 exchange protocol was created. Unlike many other decentralized exchanges, the Injective Protocol is 100% decentralized, unlocking the full potential of borderless finance by supporting margin trading, derivatives, and futures. All transactions and trades are cryptographically secured by the Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) and selective delay. The users are protected by the network from hacks, trade manipulations, exit scams, and front-running.d6c5e44c77eaa736b0bf29e8d75d4a6a675c5a00d34425843ce0f29f6d0a00db.jpeg

The Injective DEX will introduce Elrond Gold (EGLD) as a wrapped token, and Elronds Network technical capabilities will be integrated into the Injective development. The new technology will be used to add new derivative markets, working together to achieve the borderless decentralized trading platform. Injective and Elrond will work towards their common vision, the lightning quick and unbreakable DeFi trading. By adding interoperability between the two  projects, Injective will provide Elrond users access to a secure derivatives platform and Elrond will improve Injective speed by sharing the innovative smart contract capabilities. 

Elrond and Injective are sharing the common goal of creating a truly innovative financial system for every internet user. - Beniamin Mincu (Elrond CEO)


Links and referrals:

Metamorphosis: Elrond (ERD) turned into Gold ... Elrond Gold (EGLD)

Elrond and the Adaptive State Sharding 

Injective Protocol Medium 

Coinbase Earn: $50 worth of Stellars Lumens

Coinbase Earn: $50 worth of EOS

Amazon author page: PV Mihalache

Quality Faucets: Stakecube (20 daily faucets)

Tier 4 referral system: Horizen (ZEN) & ZCash from PipeFlare GlobalHive



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