Giggle - The MultiversX Memecoin With A Humorous Twist And A Hint Of AI

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 24 Apr 2024

Today we will explore the MultiversX project that will make you giggle, and chat about highly personalized AI avatars, tailored and enjoyable humor, and big multi-chain plans. Let's learn about Giggle and the $GIG token! 

The Elrond/MultiversX Network was created as a highly scalable, fast and secure blockchain platform for Dapps and block-chain solutions. The Adaptive State Sharding Mechanism was designed to bring a 1000-fold cumulative improvement in throughput and execution speed is the future of block-chain.

The Romanian project had a major rebranding in March 2023, changing to the more appealing MultiversX name. The capital X was added to the name of every product to symbolize a multiplier, and all the existing tools will be enhanced with new functions and adapted to the new market conditions. Looks like Elon wasn't the first one to embrace the "X"! 


The Giggle coin has a humorous twist and a hint of AI, all wonderfully aligned in the MultiversX ecosystem. It's all about on-chain AI generated jokes, friendship and good vibes on the most scalable chain in the Cryptoverse.

But how to buy $GIG sir? You will need to have on-chain 2FA enabled on X-Portal... or download it if you're not giggling on MultiversX! Use $eGLD to swap for $GIG on xExchange or explore other platforms like JEXchange, OneDex.

Ready to be a Part of Our Journey? Generate your avatar now! You can use to generate unique PFPs by inserting the 𝕏 username. One click and let the magic begins!


What's happening right now and what's planned for the rest of the year? The AI Avatar Generation is in progress... as the Giggle team aims to revolutionize the crypto meme space and also the way users interact with their digital identities.

The AI X based avatar tool will analyze the context of any given Twitter account, including tweet history, interests, and engagement patterns, to construct a comprehensive personas. The system then proceeds to craft a distinctive alias, serving as the foundation for creating a highly personalized AI avatar.   The Giggle Avatar not only reflects the user's digital persona but also embodies their preferences, activities, and social interactions on X. This feature promises to deliver a new level of personalization and creativity... in GIGGLE way.  


The public roadmap is live, and full of giggle! Soon you will be able to supercharge your $GIG, as the new staking system will reward the most active and dedicated users. This system will track engagement through various activities, such as generating jokes and content on the platform, as well as social media awareness raising and asserts the user level of participation. The final structure of the staking system will be revealed closer to its launch.

The unique aspect of this new staking system is it's integration with a reward multiplier, directly tied to the user's level of participation. The more the user engages with the platform by creating content or interacting with existing material, the higher their engagement score.

This score then influences their holdings multiplier, significantly enhancing the rewards they receive. The rewards multiplier scales with the user's holdings, meaning that as users contribute more to the platform, not only do they enrich the community with quality content, but they also increase their potential earnings.

This system is meticulously designed to ensure fairness and to encourage sustained engagement, making the platform not just a hub for humor and creativity but also a rewarding environment for its most active participants.


Want more alpha? The enhanced jokes UI will add a filtering system and a voting mechanism for jokes. Every single joke generated within the Giggle platform will have its dedicated detail page, serving as a unique space for users to interact with the content, share, and cast their votes.

The enhanced UI will also facilitate the preservation of past jokes, ensuring that the humor enjoyed today can be revisited and appreciated in the future. This not only enhances content discoverability but also encourages more interaction and engagement from the community. By incorporating a voting system, GIGLE is empowering the users to voice their opinions on what content resonates the most, driving the creation of more tailored and enjoyable humor.

Wen multi-chain? Maybe soooooon! The team aims to implement multi-blockchain support for $GIG, specifically incorporating two of the most influential and widely utilized blockchains in the cryptocurrency ecosystem: Solana and Ethereum.


Giggle Coin Project Links:


X Profile: 




Residual Income:

Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / Doctor Who

Cashback Cards: Plutus Card / 

Fountains: PipeFlare / GlobalHive ZCash 

Creators bundle: Publish0xHive & Presearch

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