Custom Chalanges In Splinterlands - You Choose Whoever, Whenever and Whatever

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 18 Jan 2025

It’s time for another Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge, and this week, we’re focusing on knowledge-sharing! Let’s get normies on board and tell about summoner’s tactics!

Our insights have the potential to transform the early days of every new player’s Splinterlands journey, offering guidance and strategies that unlock the game’s full potential.

This week’s Challenge is all about creativity, competition, and community! Focus on Custom Challenges, where players can send and receive battle invites to frens or foes!


Custom Challenges in Splinterlands open up a world of opportunities to elevate gameplay, offering players a chance to explore creativity, refine strategies, and connect with the vibrant community.

These challenges serve as a playground for both seasoned veterans and newcomers, allowing everyone to push the limits of their imagination and skills. This is the way to learn and explore!

By experimenting with Custom Challenges, players can test unconventional team compositions and explore synergies that might be overlooked in traditional ranked matches... without the risk of losing the place in the ranked leaderboard!

These unique setups encourage thinking outside the box, revealing strategies that can surprise even the most experienced opponents. They also provide an excellent environment to sharpen tactical decision-making, as tailored match conditions often demand quick thinking and adaptability.

Head over to the battle history tab, and select "Challenge" on the top right side. You take control of your battles with custom challenges. For just 10 DEC you can set the mana ca, rulesets and available elements!


Whether through hosting small tournaments, creating thematic battles, or organizing friendly competitions. I can play against my brother as well!

These challenges bring players together in a spirit of collaboration and shared enjoyment. The creative freedom they offer... such as crafting battles with specific rules like no magic, all melee, or single splinter restrictions. What's your take? Are you ready to inspire others to discover endless possibilities by playing Custom Challenges?

I will see you on the battlefield, and there I will show you my latest legendary drop I've got at the end of the season! Are you ready to face Sergent Grauzral? Go to custom challenges and provke pvmihalche to a duel!


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