Are we gonna make it? Most surely yes ... with the $GMI token

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 16 Jan 2022

Index Coop & Bankless DAO Gonna Make It! Are you joining?  

Index Coop and Bankless DAO are ready to storm 2022 with the $GMI token. The Bankless DeFi Innovation Index (GMI) is the hotter than Pamela in Baywatch in the 90s! The Index includes 12 early stage DeFi projects with huge potential, that are not yet considered as a blue-chip project.


The $GMI composite index was launched by Index Coop to highlight the growth potential and investment opportunity early stage DeFi projects such as Alchemix, Olympus DAO, Abracadabra Money, Perpetual Protocol or Reflexer.  


What makes $GMI amazing? 

The $GMI token optimal weighting is achieved through a combination of square-root market cap, relative secondary market liquidity, and relative token dilution/emission scoring. The selection process started with analyzing the 367 DeFi project available on Coingecko, and filter them according to efficiency, market cap and other factors that would favorize success.


The methodology and component selection of Bankless DeFi Innovation Index (GMI) used additional filters to chose the best options from the list of DeFi projects. The projects had to be powered by an ERC20 token with a market cap higher than $30,000,000 but lower than 5 billion USD, and with an Ethereum Prioritized Roadmap. The application of the protocol had to be in the financial sector (exchange, borrowing, derivatives, yield, etc) or a money-market interest-bearing collateral token.   The list was getting smaller and smaller after each filter but was still the early stage of selection. The next step was to exclude the assets that are already contained in $DPI and all synthetically issued tokens. And at the end ...  the 12 stars remained: Ribbon Finance, Alchemix, Tokemak, Convex Finance, Tribe, Olympus DAO, Dopex, DYDX, Abracadabra Money, Perpetual Protocol, Maple Finance and Reflexer.  


The index weight calculations are 60% Square Root Market Capitalization, 30% Liquidity Score and 10% Dilution Score - with no more that 15% single token cap. If security concerns will appear for any of the assets, GMI reserves the right to remove that particular token ahead of the regular rebalancing schedule.    

cbcdf7dc5253c29267d63fe07fb71bac930b1da2b53489bdf5bf9f6659eb8e7d.png  The GMI Hoodie!

Have you seen the $GMI Hoodie? I seen it and I will buy it! I will just Chad in and get one because its limited edition, and due to the integrated technology comes with 1 $GMI token and 1 NFT!  Another reason that want it is because was designed by my index buddies Caf and Chavis! 


The hoodie has a chip integrated and can grant access to events, conferences, free drinks, etc thanks to the Proof of Proximity technology.


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