Torum essence - earn XTM from missions and be part of the future!

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 21 May 2021

Being 24/7 connected to the Cryptoverse requires a multitude of sources of information. In modern days, social media is the quickest method to catch up with news and share information. One of the platforms I am using at least once a day is Torum, a project that aims to create a comprehensive decentralized social media ecosystem.

Torum is described as a revolutionary social media platform that was created to connect the Cryptoverse users and is serving the purpose in an excellent way. Nearly 50,000 active users are connected on Torum, socializing and earning XTM, the platform native token. XTM is a BEP-20 utility token created on Binance Smart-Chain, that powers the Torum ecosystem.

All users can earn XTM by completing daily missions or by receiving crypto-themed gifts from other users. XTM is used as a payment medium for features, functionalities and tips.


I joined Torum on the 23rd of February and after three months I can say this platform represents a great opportunity. In three months I grew from zero to 286 followers and I manage to keep quite active.  I will not waste your time with a platform review, mostly because I seen many quality ones, and I will focus on two important aspects:

1. Earning XTM by completing missions 

2. Creating NFTs from sending/receiving gifts


Earning XTM

Torum users can access the missions by clicking the "Missions" tab, as highlighted above. There are 4 types of missions available, offering a various range of challenges and rewards.

The "Daily" missions can be completed every day, and the user is rewarded with 6.5 XTM by completing all six. The first mission is completed when the user will log in, while the others require a bit of active participation. Create a thread in a clan, write a post than start socializing with your friends. Spread a post on your feed, like at least 5 posts and comment to 3 of them to complete the full round-up

There are two weekly missions, which will award 28.5 XTM. The users that will stay connected and log every for seven consecutive days will receive 20 XTM. Another 8.5 XTM will be earned by those acquiring  50 followers in a week

One-Time missions are linked to the personal growth on Torum. Some missions will be upgraded at a higher level once completed. At the moment I am aiming to reach 500 followers for 17 XTM prize and to accumulate 500 shards for a 33.5 XTM reward.

  The special mission is about referrals. Every user can invite friends and family on Torum and both will receive 35 XTM!   960842c8a495506e8d7542dddccfc6c00315042e11062b8fdcf04d6d587185e0.jpg Completing the missions every day will build a nice stash of XTM. I use Torum to check up the crypto news, share my Publish0x articles and to see some cool memes. My feed is always full with the hot events and funny memes! The rewards from the missions will keep accumulating and they can be claimed in the "Wallet" tab.  


The mission statistics are a nice way to analyze the activity, as all completed missions are collated into a easy to read chart. Up to date I completed 462 missions and earned 1439.5 XTM.


Creating NFTs

Sharing is caring! The XTM earned through missions can be shared with your friends or the people you follow. This can be done by clicking the gift icon on any post or thread.


When the gift icon is clicked, the list of gifts will pop-up. Select the value of the gift from the list and proceed. The gift will show your love and generosity with a special image and effect.


Why gifting is important? Because once you send or receive 20 identical gifts, a collectable will be minted. This non-tradable collectibles will be used for DeFi or gamification in the future. Start sharing the love and complete as many tasks as you wish. Up to date I have 6 collectibles, and aiming to create even more. Join Torum and be part of the future!



Residual Income:

Join Torum and earn XTM

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