Weekly Crypto Report

By millermine | MillerMine | 29 Jun 2019

Bitcoin went for a pretty wild ride for the week of June 23rd. Bitcoin started the week at right around $11,000 USD, and is ending the week at over $12,000 USD. But, in between that time, BTC went up to a peak of $13,700, then took a swift dive during a computer outage at the Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange.

This took prices down sharply, into the $11,000's. But, prices have steadily increased back into the low $12,000's. This has shown Bitcoin's resiliance, and the ability to recover from worries and a reverse in positive sentiment.

Altcoins have been more flat, and after a more lackluster week, are now on a gentle uptick across the board of about 3% across the major altcoins on the market. This again is a positive sign that the bull, or at least, positive market, is continuing.

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