We all do it to some extent, some more so than others!
I’m especially prone to caring what other people think of me or what I think they think of me.
I’m not a mind reader, so unless the message is clear and unsubtle, I have no clue what people's actual opinions of me are.
I know the whole tribal theory. When we lived in tribes, our very lives depended on our social status and what others thought of us, so it was necessary for survival.
I also know we all need human connection and that’s dependent on people liking us somewhat, so there’s that!
Mark Manson, the author of the New York Times Best Seller The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck says something to the tune of We only have so many “Fucks” to give to we need to use them sparingly.
When applying this to the problem of worrying too much about what others think of us I think we just need to choose who’s opinion matters to us in the end.
I bet the list is a lot smaller than the number of people whose opinions of you cause you to feel that queasiness in the stomach.
You know what I’m talking about. That gross feeling anytime you make an embarrassing comment or spill a hot black coffee all over yourself two minutes in on a first date!
WOW! That second scenario was oddly specific, it happened to me, and there was no second date…
It seemed like such a big deal at the time but now it’s just something to laugh about.
Most of the people I worried about aren’t even in my life anymore so it doesn’t matter at all!
To quote the sponsor of the protagonist in one of my favourite new shows Single Drunk Female, “Show up for the ones that matter and they’ll show up for you.”
Decide who really matters to you, and give a fuck about what they think of you, and forget about everyone else!
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