Save ram when installing Brave Browser

By Mcthru | mcthru | 30 Jul 2020

A few months ago, I started using other alternative browsers to chrome, in particular one that struck me was Brave Browser.


I own a computer that does not have very high specifications, indeed. This premise is necessary because I installed good 64-bit browsers on my laptop with 5th generation I3 (with 4 GB of ram memory and without SSD) and the result was a slightly more difficult experience than other lighter browsers ( e.g. firefox). The main problem was an exaggerated consumption of ram, which for browser derives from chromium or chromium has always been a thorn in the side. Aside from the ram, there was often a (even minimal) consumption of the HDD, in particular when the courage session was restarted (by opening the browser with reserved 'continue where it remained' or something like that) to be able to take full advantage of of the browser, it took several seconds, just as it happened with the intervention of windows before win 10.


Usage scenario

Brave browser is a convenient ally if you know where to touch. In fact, the same guides that we find on the internet to improve the usability of chrome are valid on brave, being this a derivative. The use in multitab (for those like me who open at least 5 tabs at a time) with 4 GB of ram memory has proved difficult, not impossible. Remember that we are talking about 64-bit, not 32-bit software, but we will get there. With the arrival of the ram memory kit (8 gb x2) and a 500 gb SSD, the computer has been reborn, faster than before, more responsive and (finally) formatted with win 10 without any other programs. In fact, after setting everything correctly, I find myself with a machine that still gives satisfactions, waiting for a possible change with a notebook equipped with AMD. However, the problems are not lacking, and with a few precautions you can safely store a PC like this for another 10 years, waiting to replace windows with a light and performing Linux distro.


Why use light software

Improved the hardware of the machine, we do not hesitate to go to the most important side of the machine: the software side. In fact, a super pump pumped at the specification level is worth nothing without good optimized software (apple docet). In fact, on my laptop that supports 64-bit software, I decided that all 32-bit software available would be favored over 64-bit software (except in cases where software exists only in the 64-bit version). This is because if on the one hand I have 16 GB of memory (which is not a few or many in this period) all programs have a certain impact on memory, disk, cpu and gpu. Consequently, using the lightest software possible helps the machine not to fill up with unnecessary processes, and above all to consume as few resources as possible.


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Brave and the 'light' software

Being a good derivative of chrome, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, it inherits some shortcomings from it, which in some cases (edge ​​chromium) have become case studies and therefore have been analyzed arranged by the developers. This is certainly not the case with brave, which adds several extra settings, including two cryptocurrency wallets (one internal for ETH, and one for BAT) and many other interesting options that we will fly over for now so as not to get too far from sowing seeds. Brave's versions are 32 and 64 bit respectively, and on a not too high performance machine like mine, the 32 bit version did not slow down the computer in a marked way. My tests were carried out with the gpu acceleration active, returning values ​​that in the 64-bit version reported at least 1 gb of ram memory that was consumed by brave to be able to open the different tabs (for those who are wondering, I only have two extensions that I use regularly). So all this consumption has dropped slightly in the 32-bit version, however the substantial difference can be seen from the use of the CPU which is much less marked than before. Even the disc has benefited from all this, as it now has fewer readings and writings than before.



Brave's browser allows you to earn tokens called BAT, which circulate on the ETH network. The use of this browser allows you to earn BAT, to then spend (and / or convert) them as you please and like. The 32-bit software used on machines that are a few years old allows you to take advantage of the browser without particular sacrifices, also earning small rewards (in addition to being able to donate BAT to anyone on the internet).

This is my link if you want to join this browser and help me: HERE


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