Christine Lagarde, president of the European central bank has a nice declaration regarding to the Euro and the new monetary economy in the eurozone. Lets listen to what she has to say
....above 1000 Euro, has to be paid via CARD.....
....if not, you get a fine or got to jail trashhold ...400-500 .....?
when the CBDC is out?
The Plans already have been accomplished to change to CBDC in the european economy. But no one voted this, an no one decided the people there accept or not. Its just been put into place. NO one allowed this.
Would you accept the law of the european central bank ?
1000 euro will get you already in problems in europe
What are the next steps , to total control ?
We will see what will happen next
Thanks for reading and watching
today was a short day, so i made....short news
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