Transhumanism Begins In Michigan Under New Govt Employee Implant Agenda


NWON - MICHIGAN - CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY IN DISPUTE - The global technocracy's control over the constitutional rights over government employees, will make them completely aligned with states like Illinois, California, and New York.

Human Assets In The Technocracy Bureaucracy

The question of how the authority of government, under the Constitution of the United States is being replaced and what authority is replacing it is the question that is being asked by those who are aware. To question chip implants in government workers and the Constitution, you have to understand how government of the people by the people and for the people cannot be accomplished if government is in a separate system from the People. What is allowed as policy in government is defacto allowed under statute law governing everyone.

House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees


Michigan State Rep. Bronna Kahle sponsored the successful bill, and while the microchips are not widely used throughout the state she believes they will become standard in the coming years.

“With the way technology has increased over the years and as it continues to grow, it’s important Michigan job providers balance the interests of the company with their employees’ expectations of privacy,” said the bill’s sponsor Michigan State Rep. Bronna Kahle.

“While these miniature devices are on the rise, so are the calls of workers to have their privacy protected.”

House Passes Bill To ‘voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees

The bill will be introduced to the State Senate where, if it passes, Governor Gretchen Whitmer will be able to sign

Questions About The Two  Primary Starting Implant Features

The use of chips like this is not hidden or secretive, it is in widespread private use. Once the People allow the public sector to operate according to the technocratic system as public policy, it is then allowed to run the peoples business that way as well.  

The chips can be used as a key fob for the office, time cards, a credit account for the cafeteria or vending machines, a way to access company laptop or office devices and, more controversially, as a way for employers to track employee productivity.

[caption id="attachment_6905" align="alignnone" width="779"] A COMPENDIUM OF LINKS TO - BUSINESS, INDUSTRIAL, RESEARCH, SECRET APPLICATIONS AND PROJECTS ONGOING[/caption]

Now all private business will be encouraged for tax, grant and other purposes, to adapt their labor resource, workplace environment, to assimilate under the efficient technocratic system, not the civil rights system under the Constitution.

It can track when a person arrives at work and leaves the building, activities the employee does throughout the day such as accessing the laptop or even what they decide to eat at the cafeteria.

What It Can Now and Will Also Track


All your medical data in real time, including all your active vital signs and time management decisions on and off the job. Your overall mood in real time. Your social media contacts and postings, financial records, etc. Right now they are only talking about the innocent easy stuff. 


Under the bill companies would still be permitted to use the microchip system, however, employees would have the opportunity to opt out if they wished. – Read more

Opting Out, Will Mean Opting Out Of Safety In The Technocracy System

The system of technocracy replacing the Constitution, which is what this secession and growing civil war is about, is a scientific system of economic efficiency. Labor resources, (the People) are monitored, augmented and advanced according to qualifications for skill, and aptitude applied to raw labor resource, management and leadership, needs and qualifications, within the system. 

When you are already in a system where the current owners, of a majority of the worlds assets, resources, and their known applications, (including political) are determined to institute this scientific approach, to a technocratic, economically efficient system, it is hard to opt out.

In order to function in the system you must be fully monitored, evaluated and augmented efficiently within it. Otherwise you are inefficient in the system, and your activity must be limited to fit the needs of the system. This usefulness to the system forms your rights and privileges within it, including the best jobs, friends, opportunities, and pay. 

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