Young Money Markets is LIVE RIGHT NOW

Come check out our podcast. We talk about stocks, bonds, crypto and real estate investing. 

Ryan, Nick, Josh, and Eric are all investors in the traditional markets and the crypto markets. We like to share our investing ideas with you guys. Any questions you might have you can ask us on stream or join our discord! 

Recently, we have shared what we know about the Mirror Protocol, Pancake Swap, and Anchor Protocol. 

We are live Tuesday and Thursdays 6 pm PST and Sundays at 3 pm PST!


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The Ecosystem Network is a social engineering platform that aims to create more human to human trust with cryptocurrency. We are based in the Bay Area, with offices in South Carolina and Upstate, NY. Launching on 7 chains and compatible with Meta Mask!

Market Speculation Investing With Homies
Market Speculation Investing With Homies

I write about stocks and crypto it's all i really know about.

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