2 cryptos to scalp with low risk

By Makingdigital | makingdigitals | 2 Feb 2021

Trading is still a very effective method to make money fast but also the most effective method to lose it if you go with a lot of confidence.

It doesn't behave like a casino but it almost is. No matter how much analysis you do, you cannot know what the price of a cryptocurrency will do in the future, whatever asset it really is, but especially with cryptocurrencies.

I come to share a couple of interesting assets if you like doing Scalping. They are two cryptocurrencies with which I currently do it solely and exclusively with few exceptions. Now I will explain the advantages.

Do not forget that this is not investment advice, nor financial, it is only my own opinion.

If you like to get in and out of the market quickly to take profits in minutes I suggest you work the assets of IOST / USDT and VET / USDT. Basically if you have a small capital like me, I do not open trades of more than 20 dollars, always in isolated mode and with a leverage of x3 at most. I do my trading normally on Binance Futures.

vechain crypto scalping

If you look at the chart for the last few months VET is perfect for scalping, whether you like to go long or short. The price variations that it has are minimal, so it is also interesting to Swing Trading and put a very loose Stoploss. For your position to be liquidated, it must undergo a sudden change. A drop or a raise of two cents. Almost improbable, but possible of course.

VET and IOST are two assets that have been at those values, approximately, since they were born, if memory serves. They are ideal for you to practice your scalping and in case the graph turns against you, the losses are very small with a capital of approximately 20 dollars.

I tend to trade more with VET, because it has more movement. IOST lateral trends in one-minute timelines are sometimes overwhelming, hours and hours without seeing profitable opportunities.

As for numbers, doing 6 or 7 daily operations, there will be days that less because it can mark a lateral trend where only tenths move, you can earn between 10 and 15 dollars. A month it reports a good profit.

Hope this can help you.

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Entrepeneur, writer and Cryptolover. My site in Spanish Coindallas.com


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