Torum SocialFi Metaverse is now listed on Huobi!

By MakeItReal | MakeItReal | 10 Dec 2021

Hello HODLers!

Torum (XTM) is now officially listed on Huobi Global.

You can start trading $XTM on Huobi now:

Introduction to Torum
Torum is the world’s largest SocialFi ecosystem (Social Network + NFT + DeFi + Metaverse) that is specially designed to connect cryptocurrency users.

XTM is the multichain (Ethereum + Binance Smart Chain + HECO Chain) utility token of Torum ecosystem and it's now listed on Kucoin, Huobi, BKEX, Uniswap and Pancakeswap.
Read Torum Whitepaper to discover XTM token utilities and the potential of the ecosystem (Crypto-social platform + DeFi platform + NFT marketplace + Metaverse + Airdrop section + Smartphone App + News & Data aggregator):
✅#SocialFi Metaverse Pioneer
✅Backed by Huobi & Kucoin
✅Big community of 180,000 users
✅Get rewarded daily in XTM for your social engagement
✅Sign up with my referral link, complete identity verification and you will earn 7,5 XTM airdrop:

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🎓Master's degree in Strategic Management 👑Torum Ambassador 📳Admin of Torum Official Italian Group on Telegram 📳Admin of Hard Rock Crypto on Telegram


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