Torum is now on Huobi Eco (HECO) Chain

By MakeItReal | MakeItReal | 29 Aug 2021

Hello HODLers,

As part of the strategic investment of Huobi Ventures on Torum, Torum is now officially joining Huobi Eco (HECO) Chain, a decentralized, high-efficiency, energy-saving and EVM-compatible public chain, launched by the Huobi Open Platform.

Token contract address:
With over 90,000 users, Torum is now the leading social media project based on HECO Chain.
Join us in our mission to connect worldwide cryptocurrency users and our vision to build a one-stop crypto social media ecosystem that accelerates blockchain adoption.

- Torum is the world’s first DeFi + NFT social media platform that is specially designed for cryptocurrency users.
Join Torum, the first social media platform built for crypto enthisiasts around the world, and earn XTM (XTorum) rewards for your daily and weekly engagement. XTM is the BEP-20 utility token of Torum ecosystem and will be listed on exchanges soon. Read Torum Whitepaper to figure out XTM token utilities and the potential of the ecosystem (Crypto-social + DeFi platform + NFT marketplace):
Sign up with my referral link and earn 35 XTM airdrop after email and phone verification:

torum ecosystem.PNG

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🎓Master's degree in Strategic Management 👑Torum Ambassador 📳Admin of Torum Official Italian Group on Telegram 📳Admin of Hard Rock Crypto on Telegram


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