C{_}d{} M!n3r

By Gh0st999 | L!v!ngCypt0 | 28 Jun 2020

Cudo Miner

R!g M!n3r joins powerful command line and GUI miners, with advanced features, automation and monitoring unmatched by other leading mining software.

A smart cryptocurrency miner and OS that’s both simple-to-use and advanced in control, enabling you to fine-tune your mining for maximum returns in multiple currency options.
Increase your profitability by automating your mining rig

Cudo Miner provides the highest hashrates at the lowest power. Advanced features include auto switching, auto tuning, monitoring, auto exchanging and full remote management. Choose an optimised OS and firmware or a full GUI miner. Cudo’s machine learning miner is both simple-to-use and advanced in control, enabling you to fine-tune your mining for maximum returns in multiple currency options.

CudoOS is a highly optimised mining operating system with kernal, firmware, VBIOS and other unique optimisations, and is constantly updated with the latest miners and software. It is managed remotely via a simple to use yet powerful cloud management platform. It is ideal for rig owners and builders looking for a simple-to-deploy application with all of the right drivers and optimisations already built in and kept up to date.


-Higher hashrates and profit
-Auto updated miners and drivers.
-No manual software and windows updates.
-Custom kernals, VBIOS and hardware configurations.

Give it a try :)

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