Hey Poolers 🌊🏆
for me PoolTogether is the beginner-friendly portal into DeFi. With its new User Interface and the integration of one big prize pool across all blockchains, the protocol transforms even more into a project which I want to pull my friends & family into.
I've seen so many people struggling to save money or gamble big chunks of it away every month. PoolTogether offers a way to combine the excitement of a lottery and saving your money, but takes away the risk of gambling. What it needs now are great stories of its users, awesome community vibes and new ideas how to share PoolTogether's value with everyone.
This week we're looking into PoolTogether's tools of communication, so you can stay up to date, find your way into the community and share your stories & ideas. Scroll down for all content around PoolTogether that happened in the last week.
Where are we at? 📍
The all new PoolTogether V4 went live on 15th October - that's 16 rounds of prizes so far. At the point of writing we have 1869 depositors with $ 5,295,236 worth of deposits on V4.
After launch phase 1, which included the actual launch of the V4 protocol, solving bugs & possible issues and the collection of prize distribution data, we are now ready for phase 2: Scaling.
Scaling the protocol, the DAO and the $POOL token. The value is there, we just need to share it.
The farming is over 🐳
Incentive Driven Growth → Product Market Driven Growth
Coming week, almost all remaining $POOL farming opportunities will end. The protocol will move from distributing 5000 $POOL token per day to 400 per day. $POOL token holders will still be able to earn incentives through providing liquidity, the POOL pool and via OlympusPro. All in all this gives PoolTogether a healthy base to grow from and ends the dumping of the token by farmers that don't care for the protocol itself.
For more info click here.
How to stay up to date with PoolTogether 📅✅
Community Call & Swim Meet
PoolTogether's Community Calls are the fountain of all knowledge and news around the protocol. Every Friday the community gets together in the #PoolTogether Live
Channel on discord and the team shares updates and exciting news. The calls are followed afterwards by the collaborative swim meet where everybody can participate.
Listen to the latest call (Oct 30):
Discord Server
This is where it's at. All major communication is at least at one point discussed on PoolTogether's discord server. You can join via https://pooltogether.com/discord
The server is made up out of the Announcements channel, and five categories:🏆POOLTOGETHER
For everything news check the 🏆POOLTOGETHER
category on top. All channels are read only, so there is no fuzz and only information. Check #recordings
for all past Community Calls and #events
to subscribe for future calls.
Do you feel chatty? Then head over to 💬CHAT and find your channel. Feel free to just get some conversation going in #general
or #ecosystem
With any questions, trouble or problems around PoolTogether #help
will help. If you're a dev, building something on top of PoolTogether or have questions about the code #developers
is your place to ask.
PoolTogether is a DAO and the protocol is governed though the $POOL token. Everything related goes on in #governance
Head to #winners
if you want to share your luck, post some spicy memes in #memes or just join rliriano in #random
for some updates on the general crypto space.
Oops is already doing a great job as scammer banner with his ban hammer, but if there are still some lost souls left trying to scam you, please let us know and report them in #report-scammers
. There will be no mercy. 🔨
DAOs are made up of contributions to a shared vision, so transparency is important. At PoolTogether you find all information for everyone open to see in the 💪CONTRIBUTE
category on discord.
If you hold the $POOL token in your wallet you have access to the exclusive #hodlers-hangout
. What happens in there? You'll have to find out for yourself. To gain access type !join on the discord server.
is the place to talk & share about contributions to PoolTogether.
Adding value to the project is usually rewarded. PoolTogether does this in biweekly epochs via coordinape, which is a DAO tool to reward contributors. Read more about it here. #coordinape
is the channel to discuss topics about the platform.
One of the great things about DAOs is, that everyone with a good idea can get funding, if it offers enough value to the community. PoolTogether has a Grants Committee, which has funded 35 projects with over $340,000 so far. If you have any ideas, questions or want to get a grant for your idea, head over to the #grants-committee
Everything regarding PoolTogether's protocol treasury is discussed in #treasury
and both Polygon and Ethereum chains there are Operations Teams, which also have their own channels: #poly-ops-team
& #eth-ops-team
is about the freshly launched podcast by rliriano & Oops. Join the chat to see the process.
are pretty self-explainatory already, so I'll leave you with that.
Governance Forum
The governance forum is the place for official proposals (called PTIP). Changes to the protocol have to be discussed and officially voted on. All governance discussions are located here. Give feedback, share your insight, post your proposals, or just read its contents to fully understand PoolTogether.
Right now you can give feedback on the PoolGrants program or apply to be part of the PoolGrants comittee.
Official Twitter
On the official Twitter account @PoolTogether_ you'll get pool updates with less than 280 characters. Make sure to follow and just tag PoolTogether if you have anything interesting to say about the project. 🐦
If you manage to stay on top of all those channels I promise you, you won't just be perfectly updated on PoolTogether but also actually gain meaningful & valuable insight into community building, protocol scaling & the works of DAOs.
Don't have so much time? No worries: Subscribe to the weekly Community Newsletter.
Dune Analytics Dashboard 📈
Sarfang has built an awesome dashboard on top of Dune Analytics. It's visualizing the data of depositors, deposits and prizes for both Ethereum and Polygon. Have a look here, if you want to watch the protocol grow.
What's Dune Analytics?
Dune Analytics is a powerful tool for blockchain research. Dune gives you all the tools to query, extract, and visualize vast amounts of data from the blockchain. Dune is unlocking the power of public blockchain data by making it accessible to everyone.
Governance Weekly 🧑⚖️
by Tangfeng
Week 42: Follow me to Boardroom.
The Richard Show 🎙️
H-H-Hits from the DAO! It's official. The first Episode (after the Prelude) of The Richard Show has aired! The show is about two crypto citizens discussing various crypto news and topics with the goal of educating and enlightening listeners. "😉"
Listen to the first episode below, or check out the Prelude aka episode 0 on Substack.
Watch 📺
👍 How to use Collabland on Discord (Zapper + PoolTogether)
🍩 Olympus DAO: 8,000% APY Real? | Staking $OHM Explained
🏦 RyanSAdams has won the lottery. Have you?
📚 Saiba TUDO sobre a NOVA versão da POOLTOGETHER
🥇 Deux protocoles intéréssants sur la blockchain celo
Read 📚
Ω Olympus Pro — Introducing Cohort 2 Launch Partners
⛓️ On-chain analytics OurNetwork: Issue #95
📲 InstaDApp Proposal to Integrate PoolTogether
Ⓜ️ Protocol Spotlight: PoolTogether, A digital lossless lottery system
🟡🟢 TVL Performance of CeloEcosystem
➕ Como Ganhar na Cripto Loteria – Sem Nenhum Risco de Perder
🦊 Diving Into The DeFi Lottery With PoolTogether
Don't get scammed!
Crypto is booming again and times are crazy. Just bear in mind, that green candles usually lead to a highly increased amount of scammers in crypto.
Some things you should look out for in scammy season:
Empersonators: They'll DM you on discord, twitter, reddit or any other platform or messenger, claiming they want to help you. Most of the times it's all OK until they trick you to click a sketchy link, sign a malicious transaction, or give away important data. Team Members usually let you know ahead of DMing.
Fake Bots: It's easy to setup a discord bot, and scammers know this. There are multiple fake versions of bots like collab.land and others on discord. Always make sure you're interacting with the original one. You can do this by messaging it through a safe discord server where it's on.
Fake Websites: We've seen exact copies of websites like OpenSea and PoolTogether, that trick you into signing malicious transactions. Check the URL for typos and make sure it has the correct ending. Best is to bookmark all protocols you use.
Fake Apps: Yeah right - Android doesn't care too much what's in their app store. Loads of fake wallets and dApps are in there. If you need to download an app on your phone, make sure to get it from their own website.
How to stay safe 🔐
Use a different browser (profile) for blockchain interactions or trading.
Always lock your wallet when you're not using it.
Double-check copy pasted addresses.
Never hand out your private keys.
Don't be naive.
In case you missed it...
🛒 PoolTogether Merch Store (credit: blakeburrito.eth)
🔎 Data Dashboard (credit: underthesea)
💦 Where's the Drip? (credit: underthesea)
🗞️ Community Newsletter #1 (Oct 11-17)
🗞️ Community Newsletter #2 (Oct 18-24)
Make sure to subscribe so you won't miss another one!
Prize Talk 🏆
Let's talk prizes:
Use #pooltogether
to share your luck! Let's get this trending.
That's it for another week. If you like the content (or maybe like POAPs 👀), why not subscribe?
See you all around the pool! 👋
Originally published on PoolTogether Community Substack