Crypto-Freebies: Diamond rewards on Coinmarketcap

By CryptoTjark | Long Horizon | 28 Jul 2021

What's this about?

Coinmarketcap recently launched their own loyalty rewards program. Frequent users get rewarded with Diamonds that you can exchange for some good looking goodies.

Diamond Hands 💎🙌

You can claim your Diamonds every day. The timer resets at midnight, so you don't have to perfectly time 24 hours every day. The more frequent you collect your diamonds, the more they stack. I've added the link to my claim page to my daily browser routine, so I never miss a day. 😉

Besides that there are two challenges (so far) to earn some extra diamonds. Check it out and make your guess on which country will make crypto a legal tender next.

Gotta collect 'em all



As you can see, you're in early. So far they have announced three different rewards: Merch, in form of a sweet hoodie, a mystery box (don't we all love those?) and a limited edition NFT.

Juicy rewards!

Sounds like a good deal to me! Which reward are you going to look out for?

I'm still in my first week as a writer on Publish0x. So feel free to leave me a comment and let me know if there is anything I can improve!

Enjoy your day,

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German Hamburger & Global Citizen, 🍔🌍 Crypto Enthusiast & Techno DJ, love & hugs 🦇🔊

Long Horizon
Long Horizon

Global Citizen & Future Chooser, based in Hamburg. Pro equality, empathy, sustainability and fairness. Against borders and intolerance. Finding similarities instead of searching for differences.

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