President Jedlička Congratulates President Milanović on Presidential Elections

President Jedlička Congratulates President Milanović on Presidential Elections

By Liberland TV | Liberland TV | 14 Jan 2025

Liberland extends its congratulations to President Zoran Milanović on his victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Croatia.

His Excellency Zoran Milanović
President of the Republic of Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia

Your Excellency,

On behalf of the citizens of Liberland and myself, I extend our warmest congratulations on your decisive re-election as President of the Republic of Croatia. Your remarkable victory, securing over 74% of the vote, is a testament to the profound trust and confidence the Croatian people have in your leadership. 

Your reputation as a sincere and authentic voice in Croatian politics stands as a beacon of integrity in an era often clouded by misinformation. It is no surprise that in the current climate of uncertainty, the people have rallied behind your vision, recognizing you as a steadfast representative of truth and common sense in their public life.

Reflecting on our meeting during the Association of Croatian American Professionals (ACAP) conference in Zagreb on July 8, 2023, I am reminded of the conference’s meaningful motto, “Connecting the Doers.” 

Our dialogue was both insightful and promising, marking a pivotal step in fostering closer relations between our nations. I am optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead in 2025 and beyond as we work together to deepen our cooperation and shared objectives.

As you embark on this new term, please accept my sincere hope that our partnership will continue to thrive, bringing mutual benefit to both Croatia and Liberland.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Vít Jedlička

President of Liberland

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