Hello everyone.
what's happening at Publish0x? it's been a few days, if not weeks, that far fewer articles written have been coming out, perhaps less than half of the previous weeks, and this is, I think, after reducing the percentage of the tip to be given to the writer (i.e., the real star of the blog who should, I think, deserve more than 10% tip with each reading, because, you know, the reader aims to keep the most for himself).
So I wonder ... what would happen if the minimum tip for a writer was raised to 25% (obviously to go up to 90% as a maximum)? What are your thoughts, you readers? Would there be fewer reads (due to a loss of interest) and thus the site would be negatively impacted?
Frankly I wouldn't know what would be better or worse in the overall economy of this useful blog, evidently the administrators will have done their math, right or wrong as it may seem, to keep the system up and running.. And are you writer (if you are reading) writing more or less these days?
I await your comments...