Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #26

By lezanch | Lezanch | 25 Jun 2024

Good morning to all
Here we are again with an update of the crypto portfolio made with virtual money, where, more than 8 months ago now, I started with 200 Euro placed in 2 different portfolios. Below are links to the description of the first post and some more recent ones:

Crypto Portfolio Experiment

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #18

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #19

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #20

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #21

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #22

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #23

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #24

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #25

I don't like to be pessimistic or have negative views, but what has been happening in the past two weeks in the cryptocurrency landscape doesn't exactly leave much hope.
The experiment is continuing on a downward trend compared to a few months ago (it must be said, however, that compared to the start, we are still well ahead of the investment), but the upward trend seen up until a couple of months ago is coming to a halt. Let's take a closer look below:

Update #26

Portfolio 1: continues to be, of the two, the one that suffers the least from this period of ups and downs (especially downs) because there are cryptos within it that are holding up well to the negative wave of the period. SOL, the performance engine, as well as BTC and BNB, continues to be fundamental. XRP, a negative among the various cryptos, still disappoints.
The countervalue, at the time of writing, is EUR 198.27, with an interesting +98.27%.
Portfolio 2: what, at the time of creation, I thought would be the driving force behind this experiment, is turning out to be mediocre instead. growth is limited (+18%) and, above all, its positive and negative variation is always more pronounced than Portfolio 1... This could have been an excellent training wallet.
It is currently worth EUR 118.00.

The experiment itself is not going badly... on average the growth is +58.1% in 8 months or so... more than positive result, but I would have expected something better...
Let's see what will happen in the next few days.

Thanks for your attention




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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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