WILD Splinterlands Plays || HUGE Silver Division Win Streak

By knowhow92 | Knowhow | 24 Jul 2022

Today's #Splinterlands session was so dope

Earlier this morning I climbed all the way up from Bronze 2 to Silver 3 after a HUGE Win Streak and a few hours later I decided to jump back in the action so I can climb even more! Well, the rest is history and luckily it's caught on tape!!!

I played 12 games and lost only 2 of 'em, used a ton of different cards and summoners and easily achieved my Silver 2 goal! My season goal is Gold 3 Division so stay tuned cause I'll keep them episode coming until I make it

Watch my plays here : WILD Splinterlands Plays || HUGE Silver Division Win Streak


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I am a passionate skateboarder from Greece who loves creating content related to skate, crypto and travel


I am a passionate skateboarder from Greece who loves sharing content related to skateboarding, travel and crypto. I am also the organizer of the worlds's 1st decentralized skateboarding community called "SkateHive" built upon Hive Blockchain.

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