TipNano - Earn Free NANO with this cool faucet

By knowhow92 | Knowhow | 28 Feb 2021

So, I came across this super-fun #NANO Faucet today called "TipNano".

I know for fact that a lot of you you love stacking some free crypto so I decided to spread the word and show you how this one works.

- Download TipNano APP & Install


You can download "TipNano" by clicking on the link bellow (Referral link)

- Add a NANO Wallet Adress & Claim Your First μNano

After you successfully signed up you must provite TipNano with a NANO wallet adress so they can send you your earnings! Click on "Settings", "Your Nano Wallet" and paste your NANO adress. You are ready to start earning this sweer μNano.

Simply go back and click on "Claim Nano"


You can claim μNANO every 2 hours but you also can reduce the claiming time and earn more μNANO in between by clicking on the "Offerwall".


I completed most of my tutorial tasks in less than 2 minutes and also withdrew my earned NANO in my Atomic wallet so I can test out the service.

Guess what?

It worked like a charm! My funds arrived at my wallet a couple seconds after initiating the withdrawal! Here's proof


Join TipNano

There are a ton of ways to earn on TipNano. From testing out games to surveys, choose your favourite way to earn depending o your free time and make it work ;)

I would appreciate a sign up through my referral link if you decide to give this faucet a go

#Hustle #Hard

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As a full-time online hustler, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.
Much love to everyone and always have fun.

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I am a passionate skateboarder from Greece who loves creating content related to skate, crypto and travel


I am a passionate skateboarder from Greece who loves sharing content related to skateboarding, travel and crypto. I am also the organizer of the worlds's 1st decentralized skateboarding community called "SkateHive" built upon Hive Blockchain.

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