Splinterlands WILD Grind To Gold Division (Ranked Gameplay)

By knowhow92 | Knowhow | 31 Jul 2022

Sign up on Splinterlands : https://splinterlands.com?ref=knowhow92

1 day left before this #Splinterlands season ends and I have yet to reach my goal of achieving Gold III so I did one last attempt to climb the #Ranked Ladder.
How did it go?

Click on the link bellow and find out

 - Splinterlands WILD Grind To Gold Division (Ranked Gameplay)

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I am a passionate skateboarder from Greece who loves creating content related to skate, crypto and travel


I am a passionate skateboarder from Greece who loves sharing content related to skateboarding, travel and crypto. I am also the organizer of the worlds's 1st decentralized skateboarding community called "SkateHive" built upon Hive Blockchain.

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