Everything there is to NODLE (KNOW-DLE) about the new(ish) app “NODLE CASH” that’s allowing users to earn Crypto doing literally nothing!

By KaySlay | ReadySetCrypto | 14 Aug 2022

Lets give NODLE CASH a round of applause because as of August 1,2022 the NODLE Network reached  half a million token holders!




 NODLE CASH In A Nutshell:

NODL is a decentralized, innovative, crowd-sourced, IOT (Internet Of Things) application that allows its users to earn  the native token NODLE simply by launching the app on their smartphone and waiting for the proceeds to role in. Seem to good to be true? Well its not! That is what makes NODLE so appealing to users, you can earn Crypto currency simply by signing up and launching the app, that's it!
  • What is Crowd Sourced: Receiving aid (usually financially driven) from a large number of people almost always via the internet.
  • Decentralized?: Decentralization refers to the form of control and who calls the shots/ makes the important decisions. In a decentralized setting the middleman (and in this case central authority figure) is removed, thus changing the centralized entity to a distributed network. Or a network that is governed by it's peers and community rather than one business or creator. 
  • What is INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT): A system of correlated computing and or mechanical, digitized machines, or devices and even people, that are assigned unique identifiers (UIDs), enabling the transfer of information via a network. This is done so without the use of human interaction and does not require  the user, or anyone for that matter, to have a relationship with digital devices. The usage of the word thing in regards to IOT is a very vague term used to signify the use of any type of technologically or digitally driven thing in direct connection with the human or even animal in question. An example of a "thing" is a person with any kind of medically inserted implant that monitors body functionality. It can be representative of a car that has sensors within the car that alerts the driver of low tire pressure or cars that are ECO friendly and send the driver an alert that they are entering or exiting ECO mode. Even the little chips adoring pet owners put in their fur babies to make sure they don't get lost, is an IOT. The list of things is a long one given that anything that can be assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and is able to computer data over a network makes the cut as an IOT.
  • What is NODLE CASH?: The NODLE networks native token that can be earned via the app when a user enables Bluetooth and allows it to connect to the phones of people passing by to optimize IOT bandwidth and ultimately returning the information obtained back to the rightful owner.
  • NODLE is the Internet Of Things (IOT) chain of Polkadot
  • Market cap: 15,200,000
  • Current NODLE CASH Price:
  • Total NODLE: 840,000,000
  • NODLE In Circulation: 100,000,000
  • International Digital Monetary Council (IDMC): 78,960,000
  • Private or Presale: 10.500,000 (1.25%)
  • Public Sale: 225,000,000 (26.79%)


Wondering how the Nodle application works? That is easily explained..

Upon launching NODLE, the app utilizes Bluetooth low energy to connect to IOT devices and sensors as the user walks or travels by active devices. The information is ultimately sent back to the owner of the IOT device. Simple as that, the user has earned NODLE Cash.

Forefront or Background?

Now that we've discussed how the NODLE app works I know what your asking yourself, where does the application run; forefront or in the background? This has become an increasingly important component to many people and rightfully so! Luckily Nodle Cash gives its participants a choice in the matter and users can choose from two different modes. It is also worth noting that if a user wants to stop running the app in the background and foreground merely turning their Bluetooth off in the settings menu on the device running the app will immediately stop NODLE CASH from scanning and obviously the app will no longer be running on the device until Bluetooth is enabled once again.

Eco Mode: When ran in Eco Mode the app is only functioning when it is open and runs in the background of the users phone. A potential draw back to this more economically friendly option is that the user will undoubtedly find less IOT devices and as a result earn less NODLE CASH. With that being said this is still a very "Eco-Friendly" option for those that are environmentalist buffs. Eco Mode is also the most ideal option to run the app in for those that are worried about conserving battery life. NODLE CASH utilizes an impressive 1-3% of the devices battery per every 24 hour period. This number will clearly vary contingent upon the  type of device running the app, BLE chipset manufacture, BLE firmware version, and of course the number of IOT devices in range.

Expert Mode: Contrary to Eco Mode running the app in Expert Mode is designed for power users that want to maximize earnings and want the app to perform at its very best ability. Running in Expert Mode is definitely a FAR less economical option, but will result in the most earnings as well as a strong contribution to the Citizen Network

Words From NODLE Founder, Micha Benoliel :



“It is a different networking principle from mesh networking. It is called delay tolerant networking (DTL), Benoliel said. “With Nodle, the SDK collects the data directly from the devices around and when the smartphone connects to the Internet over a free WiFi connection, then the data is sent to the cloud. As the density of smartphones with the library increases, the network becomes more and more real time. Some telcos have also manifested interest in renting their 3G and 4G infrastructure. In that case the data gets sent to the cloud through their network.”


What is Mesh Networking?:

Mesh nets are peer-connected nodes that allow offline connectivity via radio signals. User capabilities are contingent upon the bandwidth of the network so what can be done on mesh nets varies dramatically.

What is Delay Tolerant Networking?:

Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN/DTL) is a coming of age method to Network Architecture (the outline of a computer networks components, both physical and functional arrangement, the set of rules by which it operates, as well as the rules by which data is transmitted and exchanged via a network). The goal of DTN is to obliterate technical issues found within heterogeneous networks. ( a network that connects digital devices/computers with different operating systems I.E: LAN connection via Macintosh and Apple)

What about this "SDK" Benoliel speaks of:

Amalgamated array of software tools that aid developers in evolving blockchain solutions and increasing the speed and optimizing blockchain growth.



  • Eco-friendly, ergonomically viable option to earn rewards as well as contribute to the citizen network
  • Utilizes minimal battery life to run
  • Easily turn on  to earn and turn off when the user does not wish to participate
  • Contribute to the issue of fast increasing number of IOT devices (with sensors) that are in need of a data transfer back to their owners and are only equipped with Bluetooth radios and have no WIFI OR LTE.
  • Building a network that ANYONE can not only join but also contribute to the economic structure via a resource that they already own (their cell phone!) without the need for further equipment or knowledge of what their device is actually doing.
  • Empowering people to build a one of a kind, first of its kind, smart phone generated, decentralized network. (Again anyone is welcome to join and become a node and add to the functionality of the trade)
  • Information is not stored when pulled from devices, all information is returned straight to the owner
  • Quickly growing
  • Rewarded for doing literally nothing in the form of an up and coming token with a promising future



(Constructive criticism from an adoring fan)
It is entirely safe to say that I adore the idea behind the NODLE app and have been an avid supporter and participant in the NODLE community for months, basically since I stumbled across the app in the Playstore. Like most supporters of an app I do have a couple of minor gripes that I am sure are already in the works of being addressed.

Well.. Here goes! (I'm sorry NODLE fans!)

  • 1.) For some reason there referral program ceases to exist. In this day and age ( and where we are digitally) a strong referral program is pivotal in continuing the growth of the application. Especially an app like this that is not only unique but ergonomic and economic as it runs in the background on the users phone and requires little to no effort from the user themself to generate awards. What better way to put the cherry on top of earning effortless Crypto but to add MORE free, effortless Crypto to the mix with a good old referral program. I mean we are Americans for crying out loud, it has been proven time and time again that we are lazy! On a serious note I believe some incentive for users to spread the word about NODLE would do wonders for their user population as well as keep the app installed on users phones/ devices.
  • 2.) Which brings me to my next point. While it is totally awesome that users are awarded NODLE for doing virtually nothing, for some that just is not enough to keep the app installed on their phone as many people don't like their phones cluttered with apps that they aren't actively using as it reduces the speed of the phone and causes it to run all around sluggish. I know that I am guilty of accidentally deleting the app when I first downloaded it because I had no idea what it was and I was doing a mass application delete spree.  Adding some functionality to the app where the user and the application actually formed some kind of bond would be a great way to make sure that users stay around. There is many different ways that could be incorporated into the app without adding to much stress and hassle on the creators. For instance, some kind of award wheel that the user earns on their seventh day in a row logging in where the user is awarded more NODLE. Or even just a mini game within the app that  gives incentive to log in daily and keep that connection between the app and the user present so that the app is forgotten about and deleted because it doesn't run in the fore front of the device.
  • 3.) This app is not ideal for users that are not actively moving/ driving around throughout the day. Because the application uses Bluetooth to pull information it stands to reason that the more devices that your phone comes in contact with the more currency the user will generate. While it is true you are not REQUIRED to move around, it definitely maximizes rewards and makes for an all around better user experience. Again, I am not advising the homebodies that this app isn't for them because it is possible to earn even from home. But you will definitely have a better shot at earning more NODLE if you are out and about.
  • 4.)The token currently holds no fiscal value, so for some participants the whole concept has them scratching their heads, questioning what is the point of our efforts. I can only offer my opinion on this, but my guess is that clearly the developer’s goal is for NODLE to go live on Crypto wallets. So the point of partaking in the NODLE app is for investment purposes and having faith in the app and creators that your due diligence will be compensated accordingly when that time comes.




    As I have stated repeatedly throughout writing this blog, I am a believer and a supporter of the NODLE app. I do believe that while the native token currently holds no fiscal value, I feel it wont be long before it does. I am proud to be one of the "early adopters" of the app and will continue to let my NODLE stack up and hopefully when that day for go live on wallets does come I will be ready to cash out! 

         Although there is no referral program I still urge you all to download the app and worst case scenario if NODLE doesn't end up going live and we    get no real USD value out of the NODLE we have collected at least we know we didn't have to work very hard for it. If worse comes to worse just delete the app, no love found, no love lost! I do believe there is something to be said for being an early, and avid supporter of these kinds of tokens and applications. Usually if you show love early on you will get love back when they make it big!

So if your interested in passively making some NODLE cash simply by installing the application on your phone, this is the app for you! My NODLE balance is currently 26.98040836902 and I already transferred 10 NODLE to my Polkadot wallet. While there were some minor fees incurred during the transfer it wasn't too bad and hey you can't forget this is all free Crypto I received simply running an app in the background of my phone. Not to shabby if you ask me!


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