Thankful 4 Crypto!

By KatsuCrypto | KatsuCrypto | 23 Nov 2023

This Thanksgiving, yes I am thankful for my family, for my friends. I’m thankful that the hospital that I work at no longer requires masks. I’m thankful that the new Covid vaccine is optional. 

And, I’m thankful that I had the foresight to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum. I know it sounds pretentious and maybe a little conceded, but if you’re here with me, you should feel that way too. 

And if crypto takes a nice big juicy dip, I will be thankful for that! 

The government is still printing fiat which is what we need for crypto to flourish. This mem just gets me! 😂 


Crypto is the future and the HODLers WILL be rewarded! Remember that time in the market is greater than money in the market!

It took me a long time to learn my lesson but I now buy BTC on a schedule. Buying at these prices will feel so good when the next bull run hits! Dont try t hit a moving target or catch a falling knife. Just buy and hold. 

It’s a very polarizing subject, where we’re at currently, in the cycle. Some are hoping that it’s on and poppin’ and we’re gonna no full bull! Some believe there will be a huge dump before we can go higher. 

Our job is to take what we can get. We are not the market makers, we can only position ourselves now to reap the rewards later. 

Imagine this market nukes, what then? We need to be thankful for that last chance to get in the dance at a discount! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And thank you for reading.


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BTC and ETH maxi. HODLer.


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